Volume 4 Part 2
Chapter 5 – Elder Sister and Childhood Friend
“––As you can see from the contents of the matches so far, the Li siblings’ greatest weapon is, as expected, their variation of the Star Senjutsu. Above all, you may say that they are experts when concerning its illusory system. The elder brother Li ShenYun, as his nickname, the , implies, is specialized in technique displaying nonexistent things as existent. Additionally. Since the younger sister, Li ShenHua alias , uses a technique displaying all things existent as nonexistent, there’s a huge contrast between the styles.”
Private training room of Seidoukan Academy.
Julis and Ayato, who came back to the academy, were carrying out a strategy meeting for tomorrow’s quarterfinal as planned.
In the space window that Julis opened was a match video of the Li siblings in the current Phoenix was projected.
“And precisely because they are twins, their synchronization is excellent. Let alone using words their perfect connection is established almost without even making eye contact. Really. There is nothing more troublesome than that. In addition to that, if what Song and Luo said is true, then we have to consider that they also excel at tactics–– Hey, Ayato? Are you listening?” Julis abruptly stopped lecturing.
Julis' voice seemed to startle Ayato as he raised his head suddenly.
“Ah, yeah, sorry.”
Julis continued what she was saying while glaring at such Ayato with half-opened eyes.
“Judging from pure Taijutsu only, Song and Luo are definitely above them. But, if judging synthetically as a tag, there is no doubt that those twins are far tougher. According to the standard strategy, the most effective strategy would be to bring down either one of them first, but their Star Senjutsu displayed a high effect mostly in the defense side. As counter-measures––”
Julis spoke up to there and looked over at Ayato to see what his reaction was.
But, although Ayato had a serious expression, his eyes were looking at neither the space window nor Julis.
Ayato was obviously thinking about something different which had nothing to do with what Julis was saying.
Julis steadily stared at Ayato’s face and greatly sighed.
“Looks like you are really worried about your big sister after all.”
“! That’s…”
Ayato tried to say something, but stopped right away.
“I won’t say something like ‘I understand your feelings’ to console you. After all, I hardly know what kind of person your sister is, and what kind of relations there was between both of you. However, I think that I can tell how much you dearly love your sister.”
“––But, shouldn’t you task all your energy to this Phoenix precisely for it?”
When she said so, Ayato frowned as he was somewhat perplexed.
“That is… To win and follow my wish for Nee-san’s search. Is what you mean?” Ayato said as if puzzled.
“Yes. Of course, for that purpose, we have to win the Phoenix and it won’t be an easy task. But, with the only clue we have now, you can’t possibly find her, right?”
From what he heard, Haruka’s data no longer existed in Seidokan Academy, and even the newly obtained information was only a witness story about the underground –– a place where it was no longer possible to search, for the present time, at that.
“You had said that you weren’t going to forcibly look for your sister, but, are you still feeling the same now?”
Ayato did not answer and slightly cast his eyes down.
Julis saw it and once again took a deep sigh in her mind.
––"It’s a little troublesome, but I must say it after all" thought Julis.
“Ayato. You may get angry, if I'm wrong, but… You, aren’t you by any chance afraid?”
“…Afraid?” Ayato asked in return as if it was doubtful
After staring in silence, for a while at Ayato, Julis slowly opened her mouth.
“Your big sister applied that seal and disappeared without saying anything. Of course, it’s a fact that, you wished to be reunited with your sister. But, at the same time, you will naturally also want to know the reason why she did it. The more you are attached to your sister… The more afraid you will be to meet her.
Ayato suddenly raised his face.
“––Right. The fear that she might have abandoned you.” Said Julis plainly.
At Julis’ words… Ayato muttered as if he realized that for the first time.
“I see… Yeah, now that you say it, it might certainly be so.” Ayato said, more to himself, as he reflected upon it.
To Ayato… Julis nodded.
“But, it might also be inevitable, to think about it in that way. Being rejected by someone that you hold dear is painful. Just by thinking of that possibility… It’s natural that your heart will cower.”
Julis, while saying so, felt a sharp pain running through her chest.
At that moment the face of a close friend, who she parted from, flashed across her mind.
Anything and everything had changed; Even the face of her dear friend.
However. Julis slightly shook her head and stopped her sentiments which tried to resurface.
“However, if you want to clarify the truth, it’s an undeniable fact that, this opportunity would be your chance to do so. You should think about it properly.”
“…You're right.”
In the voice of Ayato, who said so and nodded, as expected, there was still no vigor.
“Okay. Then, we shall dismiss for today (that’s all for today).”
“Eh? But, what about the countermeasures for tomorrow––”
“No matter how I discuss with you in your actual state, I don’t think we will reach a useful conclusion. It’s just a waste of time.”
“Ugh… S-Sorry.”
It seemed that he was aware of it.
To Ayato, who frankly apologized, Julis returned a wry smile.
“It will be again at the very last-minute, but we will have no choice but to make time before tomorrow’s match. We will continue (the strategy meeting) then.”
Feebly nodding, Julis, who saw off Ayato, who left the training room, took out her portable terminal after a little hesitation.
It was frustrating, but this was all what she could do for him.
From this point on, she could only leave the rest to someone, who could do something.
As Julis entered that person’s number the space window opened after a while and a familiar face was projected.
“––It’s me. I’m sorry, for the sudden call, but… I want to ask you something.”
As Ayato returned to his room, Eishiro was nowhere to be found.
Since he said that he still had work left to do, he might be at it presently, or he simply went out to play.
In any case, it was just right since he wanted to be alone for a while. He turned off his portable terminal and lay down on the bed.
When he turned his line of sight, a very high summer sky of the present evening was spreading outside the window. After blankly looking at it for a while, Ayato took a deep breath so as to extrude the lees[19] (mental sediment), which accumulated at the bottom of his body.
“…Afraid, huh.”
Ayato thought that Julis’ remark was probably correct.
He was not aware of it, but that anxiety was certainly lurking somewhere in his heart.
Of course, Ayato believed in his big sister. His big sister was a person: strong, straightforward, and above all full of affection and kindness. No matter what were to happen, she would never abandon him. Right, he firmly and strongly believed it.
At the same time, indelible questions were also nestling close to there.
Why did she apply a seal on him?
Why had she disappeared?
Why didn’t she say anything?
Ayato had been keeping himself from worrying about many such questions by believing in his big sister.
No matter, how much he worried about it, he wouldn't get a quick answer anyway. If so, then just thinking about it would be useless.
He did not think that that choice was wrong but, in a certain sense, one might also say that he was just running away.
As Ayato was brooding over his thoughts, he suddenly felt a strange presence outside the window.
It was not an enemy, but, it was like it (the presence) was searching something…
Ayato quietly opened the window while being cautious –– he recalled that he also had a similar sensation before.
That was at one time when he walked with Kirin from the dorm––
“Wow!” Ayato exclaimed in naked suprise.
What suddenly appeared, to be hanging from the sash upside down, as he might have expected, was Saya.
Even though he knew it a moment sooner he was still surprised because her behavior was eccentric as usual.
“…Saya, I have also said this before but, don’t scare me so much.”
“It’s because Ayato’s phone was not connecting.”
As Saya said so, she turned her body around in the air and landed within the room. Really just like a cat.
“Oh, it’s because I want to be alone for a while to think… Wait. Saya! More importantly… This is the men’s dorm!”
“Yeah. I know.”
Saya inclined her head to the side seeming to want to say “what about it?”.
Like the women’s dorm the entrance in the men’s dorm was, in principle prohibited, to the opposite sex, too.
Putting aside when one could meet the other party in the drawing room through the regular procedure as Kirin the other day, the fact that intrusion without permission was subject to punishment was not different regardless of the men's dorm or the women's dorm. And, like how there was a vigilance committee in the women’s dorm, an organization called patrol group which protected the public morals within the dorm, there was also one for the men’s dorm.
However, just one point was different, although in the women’s dorm the one intruding without permission was subject to punishment. In contrast, in the men’s dorm it was the one deemed to allow it –– in other words, the boarder, who was punished. Usually any point raised on the men’s side was never even listened to.
“…There, Ayato, sit down.”
Whether or not she knew of his circumstances, Saya sat down on Ayato’s bed and invited him to sit next to her as she unreservedly tapped there with both hands.
Since it seemed, like whatever he said would be useless, he had no choice but to do as she asked.
“So. What business do you have with me?”
Since, she had expressly come all the way here to the men’s dorm, it was probably something very important.
By the way recently, Saya was finally able to move within the campus without losing her way.
But Saya, did not answer at all and was, just fixedly staring in Ayato’s eyes.
“Wh-What's the matter?”
“…That’s my line.”
Saya, still looking at Ayato in the eyes, told him with her usual –– however, slightly blaming tone.
“…Ayato. Is there something troubling you?”
At these words Ayato unintentionally looked back at Saya.
“––I see. You have heard from Julis… Right?”
Saya nodded and continued her speech.
“I was contacted just a little while ago. Riessfeld is really worried about you, Ayato, otherwise she would not have told me.”
“Julis… Contacted you?”
It was indeed a little surprising.
Julis was not the kind of person who easily asked a favor from other people. Much less if the other party was Saya, all the more. Just that much proved how much she was worried about him.
“…Riessfeld is unexpectedly a good person. I have misunderstood her a little.”
As Saya understood that, she slightly hung her head in shame and, in an unusually deeply emotive tone, said.
“Aside from it––”
However she, immediately raised her face and, once again looked at Ayato in the eyes.
“––Ayato. Do you really think that Haru-nee would abandon you?”
At the straightforward question… Ayato unintentionally stammered.
Even though he tried to spin words of denial it didn't come out easily.
Perhaps, by any chance, rather negative assumptions were inevitably stuck somewhere in his heart.
Saya, who saw it, angrily frowned and slowly lifted both her hands.
And then.
“…Idiot.” A *slap* sound reverberated.
Saya clapped, with both her hands, so as to hold each of Ayato's cheeks.
Ayato opened his eyes wide in as much surprise as it was sudden.
While holding his tinglingly hot cheeks rather than painful, Saya said in a strong tone.
“I swear it. There is no way in hell that Haru-nee would abandon you! Ayato.”
That might be an irresponsible encouragement with no basis from an outsider’s perspective. Certainly Saya might know his big sister well, but even so, it was only Ayato who saw his big sister that day –– the day she disappeared.
However, for the current Ayato, just the fact that there was someone by his side that attested for Haru-nee was a great salvation.
“Besides, that Haru-nee really lost to someone, I personally don’t believe it. But, anyway, if it’s true… Then it might be not that Haru-nee didn’t contact you but rather that she could not.”
“If so, then you shouldn’t be wasting time to worry about it.”
Saya slowly said so as to persuade him.
“––Yeah, that’s right, it’s as you say. Saya.”
Ayato firmly nodded and looked back at Saya straight in the eyes.
In the end, if he did not act by fear of something, he would still not know anything. And at this rate he might someday end up regretting.
If so. Then he could only do what he had to do now.
“…All right. That’s more like my Ayato.”
As Saya said so, she gently smiled while stroking Ayato’s cheeks.
The wind, which came blowing from the window, gently shook Saya’s blue hair.
At that expression, which he saw for the first time, Ayato felt a throbbing in his chest.
It was for just an instant but it was a vivid sensation that he had never felt up to now towards Saya.
“A-Ah. No, it’s nothing, it’s nothing.”
Without also knowing well himself, Ayato shrank back while buzzingly waving his hand.
Saya, still wearing a strange expression, suddenly clapped her hands.
“Oh yeah. Speaking of Haru-nee –– do you remember the bout, both you and I, had against her?”
“Of course. There’s no way I would forget.”
He had just seen it in dream just the other day after all.
That was––
“Sorry, sorry, have I kept you waiting?”
Haruka, who appeared in her uniform, said to Ayato and Saya, who had fini
“No, it’s all right, Nee-chan.”
“…No problem.”
In the usual field, before the evening.
Ayato set up his favorite wooden sword and Saya had already deployed her dual pistols type Lux.
“More importantly. Is a two-to-one bout really all right? Even if like this we get one point from Nee-chan …”
“Yes, I understand geez. You want to follow the next lessons at the pupil’s home, right? I will put in a good word for you to Otou-san[20] –– if you really get one point from me, that is.”
Haruka ,while saying so, also took her wooden sword and lightly swung it two, three times.
The usually carefree mood of Haruka suddenly changed completely as soon as she set it up. The air became tense to the extent that one could even feel suffocation.
Ayato and Saya gulpingly swallowed their saliva and fell one step back as they were overawed.
“Now then. I already finished my preparations, so let’s begin.”
At Haruka’s words Ayato and Saya, still remaining silent, exchanged a glance and nodded a little to one another. They had already ironed out their basic strategy.
After both sides bowed to each other, they first adopted the standard strategy of a many-to-one fight by splitting at both sides, and gradually moved towards a position so as to sandwich Haruka.
Haruka did not move as she took a side stance. Just her eyes were cautiously chasing the two’s movements, but that was just it.
Ayato had many times challenged Haruka in places, other than the Dojo, but even then the exchanges were rarely started by Haruka. As if to survey his present competence, at that point, she first let Ayato drive in to his heart’s content. Then seeing an opening and settling with a counter was Haruka’s way of moving things along.
And. Ayato had never taken one point from Haruka until now.
[However, since today is a two-on-one bout, it won’t proceed like usual…!]
As Ayato muttered so in his mind he adjusted his breathing.
Haruka’s stance was naturally impeccable –– but even so they couldn't just stand back and watch.
Ayato sliced with an overhead chop with a shout of shrieking sound.
At the same time, Saya, who took position in the opposite side across Haruka, acted as support by shooting coverage fire.
It was an attack with a perfect timing, but Haruka dodged the light balls with minimum movement and easily repelled Ayato’s blow.
Even so, Ayato returned the edge of his sword and launched two, three strikes.
“Phew… I see that your swordsmanship is much better than before. This is the fruit of basic training.” Haruka remarked.
“But I had no choice because you made me do that!”
While easily defending against Ayato’s attacks, unleashed in a rapid succession, Haruka calmly made brief comments. She seemed to still have enough room to spare. So as to give relief to Ayato’s attacks, Saya’s gunning, which also aimed and finished, was easily dodged.
However. All was going so far according to the plan. Where he more or less received support, from the beginning, neither thought that Ayato’s attacks alone would work on Haruka.
“…Leave it to me.”
At the same time as Ayato’s signal, Saya, who was taking distance until now, instantly shortened the interval.
Although Saya’s close range combat skill is high, as expected, it was not enough to face Haruka by herself. But, if it was both Saya and Ayato, then it was another story. Much less her gunning, at point-blank range, unlike earlier, would naturally become difficult to dodge.
While contrary, to until now, Ayato acted as Saya’s support, he awaited a possible opening from Haruka by Saya’s gunning –– it was the strategy that Ayato and Saya set up.
“He~e… this is, quite good…!”
Haruka pulled through the two’s fierce attack while saying as she was impressed, but she was gradually pushed by Saya and Ayato. Their fine combination, rather than following their previous preparation (strategy), was all improvisation. Even so, their breathing matched perfectly, it was a perfect coordination so as not to give any chance for Haruka to exploit.
“Geez. I’m a little burnt…!”
––But, Just as Haruka muttered so, her movements radically changed.
The movement of the wooden sword that she had been using to ward off attacks so far, changed into that of a sharp and offensive one. As expected… She had judged that it would be tough with a defensive style.
[Well, from here on it's the real thing…!]
Ayato raised his concentration and prepared for Haruka’s attacks.
Haruka’s sword, which switched to offensive, was not of an ordinary sharpness. One false move and the match would be over in an instant. In fact, at the same time, this was also a good opportunity. This was because her defense would inevitably become lax if she inclined towards offensive.
[We somehow got over here––!]
The moment he re-motivated himself a lightning speed blow from Haruka flipped up Ayato’s wooden sword.
Although, he just barely prevented it from being flicked off his hand, one could see his hand gripping the sword had became numb like from an electric shock.
In addition. Haruka’s wooden sword drew an arc in the sky and knocked the pistol in Saya’s right hand.
That instant. Saya’s eyes intersected with Ayato’s.
Ayato, who understood her intention, in an instant, re-gripped his wooden sword.
The next moment the pistol, still remaining in Saya’s left hand, fired light balls.
––However, not at Haruka but, towards the ground.
Haruka’s voice resounded beyond that of the cloud of dust, which whirled up, as she was surprised.
Ayato did not miss that chance and mowed down his wooden sword straight for Haruka.
There was no better timing than this; It was the best coordinated attack.
The attack, which Ayato just employed, was used because he was partly convinced of victory. However, before it was completed, it was stopped only by what he felt was an indescribable strong and heavy feeling.
“Well, Just now, I guess you were a little impatient.”
On the other side of the cloud of dust, Haruka’s face slightly floated a wry smile.
The wooden sword in her hand defended against Ayato’s blow at the very limit.
Although amazed, Ayato and Saya promptly took a distance, and rebuilt their stance.
(So even that blow was not good …!)
Although he strongly clenched his molars, because of the frustration, Haruka was staring at such Ayato in admiration.
“Phew… Ayato. Saya-chan. You’re amazing, honestly, I did not expect you would get this far.”
That compliment might be pleasant but Haruka’s next words blew it off.
“If I don’t seriously respond to this, too, it will be rude of me. Right?”
“A serious Nee-san?” "…"
Ayato hadn't ever once fought a serious Haruka so far. No, on the contrary, he had never even seen her fighting with all her might.
Haruka lowered her wooden sword and adjusted her breathing. She closed her eyes for a little while –– and then opened them.
The air, which was tense, suddenly felt like it became tenser. A tension as if one was riding on a blade.
Nevertheless. Haruka’s prana was surprisingly quiet and transparent.
However… That was all.
Rather, just by lowering her wooden sword, it looked like she was more defenseless than just a little while ago. It was to the extent that one could say that she was full of openings.
Ayato winked at Saya who also returned a small nod.
She might be up to something but it was useless to think about it. They should try to attack from here.
Just like in the beginning, they took position so as to sandwich Haruka from the front and rear and, mutually, gradually, shorten the distance.
There was no second guessing. They instantly bet on victory or defeat.
From the front. Ayato slashed his wooden sword diagonally from the shoulder.
At the same time from the rear. Saya fired with her pistol at close range.
––At that moment.
Haruka’s wooden sword softly moved as if dancing.
Even after receiving Ayato’s blow, not only did she not ward it off, she drew it towards her invitingly.
At the same time she twisted her body, Ayato’s sword, which did not slow down at all, came down to Haruka’s back. Moreover, just ahead of that, there was Saya’s pistol which had just now fired light balls which were close to exiting its muzzle.
Saya’s pistol detonated almost at the same time his sword tip unavoidably met its muzzel. A voice of surprise leaked from both Ayato’s and Saya’s mouths.
Although it was a Lux, even though it's power was adjusted for self-defense, the shock alone would be huge if the muzzle was blocked and Saya fired accidentally.
The cutting edge of Haruka’s wooden sword stopped right before the eyes of Ayato who was sent flying and fell on his back.
Ayato looked at it in utter amazement for a while, but as he finally pulled himself together just a little, he first asked his sister what he wanted to hear the most.
“What was that just now…?”
“First. 'Amagiri Bright Dragon Style' Hidden Technique, .”
Haruka answered while broadly laughing.
“Simply put, it’s a technique that freely induced attacks of multiple opponents and made them attack each other. Something like that.”
“Hidden Technique––”
Ayato’s densho[21] was still at the Intermediate Techniques. The Hidden Techniques were a domain beyond that.
“I heard that one can’t use the Hidden Techniques unless one extends their perception to the limit, but…”
“Hmm. I guess. Actually… I’m not allowed to teach you that much. Though.”
As Haruka said that she stored her wooden sword and then held out her hand to Ayato.
“I think that Ayato and Saya-chan’s coordination was splendid. It’s not flattery, but, let’s say that what I perceived was wider than what you two saw.”
As Ayato stood up, Haruka likewise lent a hand to Saya on the ground to help her stand up.
To Saya’s face, which showed that he did not understand well, Haruka, after thinking a little, continued her explination.
“For example, when it comes to fighting, if you are sensitive enough, you are able to detect slight subtlties such as the opponent’s breathing and motions even before delicate movements. Right?”
Saya nodded.
“The more such information increases the better you’ll be able to counter any movement of the opponent. Let’s say that widening it, from not only just at the opponent but, to the surrounding space is what the area of Hidden Technique is. In the Amagiri Bright Dragon Style… that state of mind is called 'cognition'.”
It was an explanation that felt like they understood and yet at the same time did not.
But, one thing was clear, it was that Saya and Ayato lost. Unfortunately. They understood that only too well.
“But this isn’t really just about fighting. After all, when our options to live as humans become invariably restricted, there are times when we will inevitably reach these limits. I wonder, at such times, whether or not they might look out for more possibilities, from various things and aspects, not recognized before. ––Well… it may be still too early for you two to understand that though.”
Said Haruka while she lightly laughed and fondly patted Ayato’s and Saya’s heads.
“––In the end, even after all our planning, we weren’t able to win even once against Haru-nee.”
Saya said, sitting on Ayato's dorm room bed, and dropped her shoulders in disappointment.
“Nee-san was really strong after all… Even though she always seemed so carefree.”
“…Well. I can say the same thing to you.”
Saya argued and then asked.
“How was it after I moved out?”
“The same. I didn’t win even once.”
Ayato said so with a sigh and raised both his hands.
After Saya moved out, it was only, about one year had passed until his big sister disappeared
In that one year, he personally intended and worked tirelessly to become as strong as what Haruka had shown but, –– even so, as expected, he was no match for his big sister.
“…I see.”
Saya briefly muttered so and jumped from the bed.
And then, as she walked up to the window, she looked back in there and said.
“If it‘s the case, How about finding Haru-nee by all means and take revenge? You and me.”
At Saya’s words, Ayato was a little surprised –– and then, he slightly laughed.
“Yeah, that’s right. Though I think we probably can’t win yet.”
“…At that time, then, we should fight together again. Like we did at that time. So, how about that, Ayato.”
“Even now, in hard times, we should do so. Also, besides me, there is definitely someone who will help you out… Though it’s a little mortifying.”
Saya said with a somewhat sullen face and disappeared outside the window.
As Ayato saw her off with a painful smile he quietly closed the window.
It was just around the time when dusk had begun to dye the sky red.
Chapter 6 – The Second Key
“––You look a little better now.” Julis said, as soon as she took a look, to Ayato who just entered the waiting room.
It was the day of the quarterfinals.
“Well, somehow, thanks to you.”
“Does it mean that you have strengthened your resolve?”
Catching Julis’ surveying look… Ayato slowly nodded.
“Yeah. I have decided. I will look for Nee-san. ––For that… Borrowing the Integrated Enterprise Foundation’s power is the fastest way.”
“…I see.” Julis joyfully smiled.
Immediately after that she tightened her expression and opened a space window.
“Then. We must first win today’s match.”
When Julis operated the portable terminal, which she held in her hand, a pair of a boy and a girl, who looked very much alike, were projected there. It was the opponents that they would confront a few hours from now; The Li siblings.
“There are two trends, which can be grasped from the past data. First, those twins only aim at their opponent’s weakness thoroughly, –– in other words, they take the strategy that their opponents will dislike the most. Of course, you may say that it’s the basics of a fight in its own right, but I think… that even such a thing is secondary to them.”
“When you say ‘secondary’, do you mean that for them, there is something more important than that?”
As Ayato asked about it Julis frowned in displeasure.
“Probably. From my opinion the technique those twins regard as most pleasant, is to torment their opponents.”
“Torment. Huh…”
Certainly, even from Ayato’s perspective, there was the impression that the twins loved to torment their opponents more than necessary.
“For them… Even winning is also probably something secondary. Well, in one word, they are ‘sadists’ drunk with power.”
“…It’s not much the type you want to get along with.”
“You're quite right. And there is another trend –– these twins never act rashly. They create an absolutely advantageous situation for themselves and they only begin their offensive after ensuring a safety zone. Although they are reputed to be very prudent, one can only see that they are mean cowards who are afraid to get themselves hurt.”
Julis seemed to be somewhat amazed while saying these words.
In fact, with Julis’ character and creed, it was an opponent whom she could never become compatible with.
“Even so, there is no doubt that those twins’ ability is the real thing. In addition, they are extremely clever in making good use of strategy. The essence of their strength doesn’t come from the height of their technique in Star Senjutsu but probably from their, unique to them, combination of ability and strategy composition.”
“Come to think of it… Song-san and Luo-san has also said that.”
“Yeah. Those two’s words are probably right. In a battle to iron out a plan… I’m probably no match for those twins.” Julis frankly admitted.
Even if Julis’ tactics could directly aim at the opponents during their unguarded moments they still could not entrap them. That was something purely based on their particular character so, and on that point, it could not be helped that she was no match for the twins.
“However, for only this time, we also have some advantageous points.” Julis broadly grinned.
“Advantageous points?”
“Yeah. If the twins use the specific strategy of aiming at their opponents’ obvious weaknesses, this time, won’t it be extremely easy for us to know their aim?”
“Ah!” Ayato clapped his hands.
“…My seal. Huh.”
“Yeah. To be more precise, the twins will aim at the limit. For them, there is no more desirable weakness than this. In that case, naturally, we may expect the strategy that they will come up with.”
“––Time-buying.” At Ayato’s words, Julis nodded.
“Most likely. Well, with that in mind, what kind of measures we will take is the problem, but ideally speaking, instantly bringing them down by applying a swift attack would be best. If we can first defeat even one of them… The match would be almost decided.”
However, even while saying so, Julis shrugged her shoulders.
“That said, honestly, this will be difficult. There is no doubt that the twins will take counter-measures of some sort. They will certainly be on guard.”
“I guess…”
Someone who used a plan, always first began by calculating the opponent’s movement. In this case, the twins should first assume that an opponent with a time limit would attempt to setup a swift attack. There was no way that they would not undertake counter-measures.
“There. Regarding what to do…” Julis somehow lowered the volume of her voice and explained her strategy.
“…I see.”
“It’s not a bad idea. Is it? I mean, honestly, I wouldn’t be lying if I said that it was the best I could come up with.”
“No, even I don’t think that I can come up with a better strategy. Let's go with this.”
He lightly simulated it in his head and the result was excellent. If he had to say something, it was that the timing of the finish was difficult, but it was already a usual thing and it was too late to be concerned about it.
“Hmm. I see, then, let’s work out the details based on this premise.” Julis said so with a somewhat relieved face.
『"Now, now, I guess everyone has been waiting long for this! At last… The quarterfinal match is about to begin even in this Sirius Dome! First, from the east gate, the ones making their appearance are the Seidoukan pair Amagiri Ayato/Julis-Alexia van Riessfeld! And then on the other side! From the west gate is the entrance of the World Dragon Seventh Institute pair Li ShenYun/Li ShenHua!"』
『"Oddly, like in the fifth round, it is also a Seidoukan vs. World Dragon match."』
『"That's right! Still, all the matches are already over in other stages, and among the best four, up to three frames have already been decided! And now, which pair is to fill the last frame?"』
While the earsplitting great cheers, which increased in volume, almost to a level that drowned out the voice's of the commentator and reporter, resounded as Ayato and Julis slowly stepped into the arena.
“…It feels like the voltage is at its climax.”
“This Phoenix will soon reach the final stage. After all. They're probably fired up just by watching.” Julis said curtly.
As she put a hand on her waist and looked at Ayato with a sidelong glance.
“More importantly… Sasamiya and Toudou have safely won through. We can’t afford to stumble in here.”
As the commentator said the other quarterfinal matches were all already over; Saya and Kirin had safely advanced to the semifinal. Ayato and Julis had seen their match broadcasting in the waiting room; including the other matches, one might say that it was indeed the expected results.
The members of the best four that had currently been decided were Saya/Kirin of Seidoukan Academy, the True Knights duo of St. Garrardsworth Academy and –– the autonomy type puppets pair, Ardi and Rimsi of Allekant Academy.
“––I know. I’m fired up.”
Ayato strongly grasped Ser-Versta's activation body and answered so.
"That’s right. I can’t afford to stumble in a place like this…!"
“…Is that so? Then it’s fine, but, don’t be fired up more than necessary.”
Julis observed Ayato with a slightly dubious face but she immediately turned her gaze forward.
The twins of World Dragon were coming over in their direction.
“Nice to meet you. Gruene RosePetalblaze Witch and Murakumo. I am Li ShenYun.”
“I am Li ShenHua. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
The two greeted so with a light smile on their faces.
At any rate, looking at them up close like this, they surprisingly truly looked so much alike. Because World Dragon’s uniform was loose, and their body’s lines could not be seen, one could tell them apart only with the chignon on ShenHua’s head.
“…What the heck do you want?”
On the other hand. Julis briefly replied without concealing her wariness.
“No. We thought that we should apologize just in case.”
“Apologize? You say?”
“Yes, the other day, our peers seemed to have displayed a shameless match…”
“And as disciples of the same master… we are just ashamed.”
The twins talked as ShenHua, without any pause, took over from ShenYun’s words.
“Peers… Are you talking about Song and Luo?”
“I don’t think that those two were cowardly though.”
As Ayato turned his gaze ShenYun exaggeratedly shrugged his shoulders.
“No, no, we would be troubled if the ’s personal pupils are considered at that level.”
“So. We will show you a world that those two have not shown you.”
“––The depths of the Star Senjutsu. That is…”
The twins, alternately spanning the sentence between the both of them, happily rumbled their throat.
“Is that so? Then. I will look forward to it.”
Saying that, Julis removed her gaze from the twins, so as if to say that, she had no more to say.
The twins, who also saw it, quickly turned their backs and returned to their earlier position.
“…Humph. That’s blatant provocation. As expected. They are repugnant fellows.”
Julis spat a candid curse (abusive language) towards their back.
“But, by actually meeting them, I understand that they are opponents against whom we can’t let our guards down.”
Though Song and Luo had also talked to them, before the match, the meaning was completely different.
For those two. The earlier conversation was probably a part of their strategy.
“Well… It’s fine. We just do what we have to do.”
“You’re right. Well then…”
As Ayato answered so he raised his prana.
Power overflew from the depths of his body and the chains binding him creaked.
“––Secret sword bound by the prison of stars. Release your might!”
The swelling pressure flicked them (chains) off before long, and a huge amount of prana flew up at the same time.
『"Uh-oh, there is it, there is it! Player Amagiri’s performance! …Ah no, it wasn’t a performance, right Tram-san?"』
『"We don’t exactly know, since the ones concerned haven’t told us about it, but the majority think that it’s probably a necessary process in order to release the power, which is restricted. Judging from the fight in the fifth round, there also seems to be a certain interval in the limit release… I think that player Amagiri’s ability is indisputably first class, but when taking this into consideration, his matches so far were also quite just."』
『"I see, I see… Meanwhile. It’s finally the time for the beginning of the match! To which pair will the goddess of victory smile?"』
As expected of the commentator, her remark was sharp. While inwardly smiling wryly, Ayato activated Ser-Versta.
He adjusted his breathing and focused his attention.
“Phoenix quarterfinal fourth match. Battle start!”
At the same time with the declaration of the game start, Ayato instantly shortened the interval between him and ShenHua, and aimed at her, slashing with Ser-Versta diagonally from the shoulder. It was the perfect timing for a quick attack, but as she expected this, ShenHua dodged it by leaping back.
“Fufufu, you’re indeed fast! But. I can dodge it if I know it is coming!”
It was also the same as with Irene but, as expected, Ayato’s speed did not seem to give him an absolute advantage at this level.
“Bloom proudly –– PrimroseDancing nine-spirering-flower!”
Julis promptly activated her ability, but ShenYun, who was one step faster than it, forced his way through.
“Ji ji ru lü ling, chi!”
As ShenYun’s hands made complex signs with fingers[22], the surrounding space swayed in slow motion. And at the next moment, from around the stage, a dense smoke gushed out with a tremendous force.
“This is –– a smoke screen!?”
The smoke covered the whole field in an instant, and Julis had no choice but to cancel the Dancing nine-spirering-flowers. She probably judged that at this rate, aiming at the target would be next to impossible undertaking and that if she was to make one false move, they might also hit Ayato.
Ayato, who also considered that he could directly be hit by an attack, temporarily withdrew.
“Julis. Are you all right?”
“Yes. No problem. But. We were outwitted by this… To think that they would come up with such a move.”
As he returned to Julis’ side by relying on the voice and presence, Julis clicked her tongue in vexation.
Though Ayato carefully explored the surroundings, he could not deeply see through the smoke at all. But, he immediately noticed the discomfort. The smoke was too deep and dark. So dark that it was as if it was not smoky.
“Julis. This smoke is probably fake.”
At these words Julis also surveyed her surroundings with a surprised expression.
“I see. So this is also an illusion…”
ShenYun was an expert of illusion who showed nonexistent things as existent. If so… Then it would be no wonder if this was a fake smoke created with the Star Senjutsu.
“I hear that Li ShenYun’s illusion can reproduce all things but I didn’t think it could also reproduce smoke… But, well, it’s fine. In any case, this smoke will clear up in a few minutes, too.”
“On what basis do you say that?”
As he asked because she asserted quite confidently, Julis answered as if it was matter of course.
“Attacking by creating a situation which intentionally blocks outside vision is a Stella Carta violation after all. Even looking at the past data, those twins have probably never used such a strategy, right?”
“I see. If what is happening is not visible from the outside, foul play can’t be checked, either.”
“That’s also true, in a sense, but… The main reason is because this is entertainment. If the audience doesn’t know what’s going on… They can’t enjoy it.”
It was a more cruel reason than what he thought.
However, as if proving Julis’ words, booing arose from the stands after a while. The smoke suddenly vanished as it gradually grew louder.
“Good grief, the audience these days lacks patience.”
“Geez. They don’t need to be so impatient, after all from now on, it’s the real thing.”
ShenYun and ShenHua, who had moved to the edge of the stage before anyone knew, said while broadly grinning.
For the twins it was probably a satisfactory outcome.
After all –– they were able to reduce Ayato’s time for nearly one minute with almost no effort.
“Humph. They are really ill-natured fellows.” Julis annoyingly spat so out.
Although she was more focused on the next technique.
While Ayato also agreed in his mind, he set up Ser-Versta again, and shortened the interval.
“Oh. They are also impatient here. Well, in that case, we shall also proceed with our next move.”
ShenYun’s hands once again made symbolic signs with fingers.
The space around him shapelessly distorted and something vague like a silhouette emerged.
It took the shape of a person before one’s eyes; Four bodies, which looked exactly like ShenYun, and which were standing with a fearless smile, took shape there before long.
“There it is…!”
This was Li ShenYun’s favorite illusion –– the so-called “clones (alter egos)”. Even looking at their past matches, ShenYun had used this technique in almost all of his matches.
Of course this was an illusion, it didn't have a material form, but since they were so well done it was almost impossible to distinguish them from outward appearances; Even the movement of prana was artificially reproduced. Moreover, since all the four bodies took different movements, it was even more impossible to read and understand their pattern.
“Then. I too…”
As ShenHua made signs with fingers… Her figure melted as it vanished.
This was ShenHua’s favorite illusion –– the “Hidden Line”. Since like ShenYun’s clones, the presence, the sounds and even the movement of prana were masked by her illusion, rather than simply disappearing, she was almost imperceptible unless one concentrated very hard.
You could say that either was the ideal technique to gain time.
“Well, with this our preparations are set, but”
“At this rate, isn’t it slightly boring to just wait for their attitude like this?”
“Yes. Even the audience would be bored with it.”
“If we don’t enliven it, a little, there might be booing again.”
“That being the case…”
Each of the five “ShenYun” spanned words alternately. It looked they were reproduced even up to the voice.
“––Let’s go flashily with one here.”
As ShenYun and ShenHua made their wrists snap… Scraps of papers suddenly appeared out of nowhere between their fingers.
“Ayato. Be careful –– these are talismans.”
Julis set up her thin sword, Aspera Spina and dropped her waist so as to be cautious.
The talismans were a kind of auxiliary items in which the power of Star Senjutsu was loaded. Though they were disposable, the ability activated was multifarious depending on the type of talismans, and their application was effective in various settings.
“But, the real one is among them, isn’t it?”
However elaborated the illusion was, a clone was a clone after all. It should not have a material form. In other words, it meant that except the real one, the talismans were fake, too.
“That’s right, but, tsk, they are coming!”
There. The five ShenYun came to attack at the same time.
Since they did not have weapons some sort of offensive type ability was probably loaded in those talismans.
As Ayato wielded Ser-Versta so as to intercept one of them was easily bisected.
…But, without any response, the body, which should have been cut, immediately reverted back to its original form just by swaying like smoke.
(An illusion, huh––!)
Even if one knew, they were almost indistinguishable. Although another was struck down by the returning katana, there was still no response; the sword slash just slipped through in vain.
“It’s a shame, it’s also a fake.”
The third ShenYun, who appeared as if passing through, grinned while projecting a talisman towards Ayato.
At that moment, the talismans exploded with a roaring sound.
A devastating blast and heat mercilessly attacked Ayato; Ayato rolled on the ground as he was blown off. Although, thanks to the fact that he had seen it several times in the video recording, he was able to reduce the damage by promptly turning his prana into defensive. Still his bones creaked on the impact.
“He~e. So you suffered only that much damage even though you received a depth charge talisman at that short distance.”
ShenYun, who said that as if he was honestly impressed, immediately took distance again and mixed himself with the clones.
“Ayato! Are you all right?”
Julis, who was facing the two remaining ShenYun tried to rush over in a hurry, but––
“––Fufufu. I’ll be troubled if you forget me.”
Suddenly along with ShenHua’s voice, an explosion similar to that of earlier arose before Julis’ eyes.
Julis was rubbed by the blast and fluttered about in the air.
As Ayato reflexively ran off and caught her… Only ShenHua’s laughter echoed out of nowhere.
As she probably let it echo on purpose. They appeared to be unable to grasp her position from her voice.
“Guh… I- I’m all right.”
Julis stood up while distorting her face and turned her eyes to Ayato.
“More importantly Ayato. It’s almost about time when your limit becomes severe. Right? I will support you. So bring down Li ShenYun first.”
“…Understood.” Ayato clearly stated.
Some time had already passed since the beginning of the match. He could not waste any more time.
And, if he tried to apply a swift attack, it would be more reasonable to aim at ShenYun rather than ShenHua, whose position he did not know. The clones were troublesome, but still only determining the target was better. Even if he defeated them one by one, he might draw out the real one with the first shot if things went well.
“Unexpectedly, we have splendidly fallen into their plan, but in a sense, it’s also just as we planned. Don’t get impatient.” Julis said while concentrating her prana.
The mana of her surroundings condensed in response to it.
“Bloom proudly –– Livingstone DaisyFlaming Crimson Decapitator!”
Dozens of flame chakrams manifested and sprang toward the five ShenYuns as if guiding Ayato.
“Hmm. So you are coming for me after all.”
One of the ShenYuns muttered, but showed no signs of taking a stance, as he calmly stood stock still. Did that mean he was an illusion, Ayato wondered.
(If so, then I should just ignore it…!)
While Ayato shortened the interval, under cover of the flame chakrams, he instantly made such a judgment.
However. Before his eyes, without warning, a huge wall suddenly appeared.
The flame chakrams, which were ahead of him and were going to attack ShenYun, were all blocked by the wall. The chakrams sprinkled sparks, so as to pierce through the thick wall, but they soon vanished as they used up all their energy.
Ayato promptly leaped horizontally, in order to go around the wall, but this time the space in front of him exploded as if it saw through him.
This time his defense by prana did not make it in time and he was directly hit by the blast.
“Oh. You better be careful. The talismans set by ShenHua are invisible after all.”
ShenYun happily said towards such Ayato.
Set, in other words, traps.
The wall of earlier was probably a talisman for defense use, too. However, “when on earth did she set them?” Ayato wondered… After thinking about it, just so far, he immediately realized it was obviously during the time of that smoke screen.
As for the form of her traps, they were close to Julis’ setting type ability, but since a required amount of prana was loaded in the talismans at the time they were made, the caster hardly consumed his/her prana at the time of their use. In other words, as long as the talismans did not run out physically, they could be used as many times as one liked.
If so, then, where and how many talismans were set were both unknown.
“Ayato. Move aside! If we don’t know… Then I just have to burn everything!”
Even if they were not visible, as long as they physically existed there, it was possible to destroy them.
Julis’ ability could especially burn down a wide area at once. ––However.
“––Like I say, don’t forget that I’m here, too.”
Then, ShenHua’s voice, who seemed quite happy, resounded behind Julis.
Julis looked back with a surprised face, but it was too late.
“I call forth thunder!”
A thunder stroke gushed along with a fierce lightning, and a shock as to tear off Julis’ body, ran throughout her. It was ShenHua’s Star Senjutsu.
As to hold back Ayato, who tried to rush over, Julis, who went down on her knees, shouted.
“I-I’m fine. So just devote yourself to bring down ShenYun!”
A little more than two minutes have already passed since the start of the match. Thinking about tomorrow or later there was no longer time to lose.
“Understood! Then… I leave ShenHua to you!”
As soon as Ayato said it, he shortened the interval towards the handiest one, ShenYun.
“Yes. Leave it to me!”
While hearing the voice of Julis behind Ayato suddenly braked right, just before ShenYun’s eyes, and stepped aside all at once.
The space before ShenYun waved and exploded a moment later.
(As expected…!)
These talismans were probably of the types which automatically activated when someone entered a certain range.
Currently, the present five ShenYun took distance and were scattered about, but there was no way that they would randomly scatter about just like that. There was a reason in all their actions. Thinking so, naturally, they were to some extent able to mark out the position of the traps set.
“Hmm… You aren’t bad.”
He sliced down, in one breath at the ShenYun before him, who muttered as if impressed –– but, there was no response. It was a clone.
However. Ayato immediately pulled himself together and confirmed his next target.
“It’s fine. It will change nothing unless I slice down all five…!”
“Indeed. As expected of Seidoukan rank #1. It looked like ordinary means won’t work on you.”
As he approached the second (ShenYun) ShenYun was also becoming better able to read Ayato’s patterns and evaded. Although, once brought into close range combat, Ayato’s attacks were not something that could be dodged indefinitely.
Even while being exposed to the blast several times on the way, he sliced the second, then the third, but…
“Hmm. Too bad. You are off mark again.”
ShenYun’s clones, which swayed like a heat haze, laughed as they mocked him.
The damage of the explosion and his limit’s imminent approach were gradually tormenting Ayato.
–– Even so, there were two remaining. Apart from the one who took the position farthest from Ayato, there was only the one in front of him. Either of these two was the real ShenYun.
“Then. It’s this…!”
Ayato aimed at the one more behind based on ShenYun’s character.
The blow, which greatly mowed down, had been dodged, but from there he took one step forward, turned his wrist over and swung upward.
“Amagiri Bright Dragon Style First Sword Fighting Skill –– "Twin Water Dragons"!”
But. Here was no reaction.
(So, it wasn’t the real one…!)
Ayato unintentionally bit his lips. When he turned to face the last one remaining he suddenly fell on his knees.
“What is it… Have you already reached your limit? You were almost there but it’s regrettable.”
ShenYun, who saw it, said as he seemed slightly relieved.
Julis, hurriedly ran up to him, but immediately after that, was entirely and suddenly sent flying.
“Hahaha. Nice feeling!”
Suddenly ShenHua’s voice, which seemed to be happy, resounded out of nowhere. It was probably her who threw in a direct blow to Julis.
Magic circles appeared around Ayato, and shackles of light bound him once again.
Ser-Versta, whose blade disappeared, fell from Ayato’s hands with a dry sound. Even while seeing with a joyful expression, Ayato in such state, ShenYun did not yet approach him as he was wary.
Before long, when the light settled, and Ayato, breathing roughly, had fallen down, ShenYun finally came near him.
“Though I don’t know the reason for your seal, it’s something inconvenient. So. How do you feel now?”
A smile which showed confidence of his victory appeared on ShenYun’s face.
Indeed. They knew that he had a limit. Judging from their fight with Irene they also knew that when he passed his limit he could not even move his body. That’s why they were waiting for it.
To the smile, that had leaked out, ShenYun unintentionally looked at Ayato with suspicious eyes.
“What is funny?”
“No. It’s nothing. Just. –– That the match isn't over yet.”
While saying, Ayato activated a blade type Lux in his right hand.
ShenYun braced himself with a surprised expression –– but, it was already late.
As Ayato instantly raised his body, he swung his arm in a straight line
Right. Even if they were aware of Ayato’s limit, they did not concretely know how much time it was. This was because they could only use the match with Irene and the duel with Kirin as reference. To the bitter end, they should only have been able to estimate a rough time.
This time, it was a little more than three minutes since Ayato was going all out. Although there was a considerable backlash, but it was not to the extent that he could not move.
This was Julis’ strategy. First apply a swift attack; If it does succeed, then fine. Even if it failed, feigning to have fallen into the trap of the opponents time-buying and waiting for a chance by pretending as if the limit had passed. After all, judging from the twins’ personality, she was certain that they would not give themselves the finishing blow after settling their absolute superiority. And she was totally right on the mark.
The cutting edge, which Ayato swung, tore off the school badge of ShenYun, who was late to dodge.
There was again no reaction at that blow.
(No way, that can’t be…! This is also a clone!?)
Ayato was staring at ShenYun’s flickering illusion in blank amazement.
“Oh. That was dangerous. It’s indeed ‘the discretion is the better part of valor’.”
More importantly, as the back space was distorted all along, ShenYun appeared from there with a light smile. The moment ShenYun snapped his fingers, all the five clones disappeared.
Ayato finally realized there. In other words –– those five ShenYun were all clones and the real ShenYun had concealed his appearance all along with ShenHua’s technique… It seemed so.
(But, since when…?)
Ayato, in blank amazement, tried to re-think.
As expected. That was possible on only one occasion –– It could only be in the midst of that smoke screen. If so, then it meant that what Ayato and Julis had been fighting since the beginning was an illusion all along.
“Hahaha. So you finally realized. Yes, it seemed, you guys also thought of a good strategy. Unfortunately. That much isn’t enough against us.”
In the expression of ShenYun, who said so, expectation and joy were clearly revealed.
“…No. But when had you have first used the talismans…?”
It was not possible for an illusion to use a real talisman.
So at least, the ShenYun, who had used the first depth charge talisman, should have been the real one.
“Oh. That? That was also a talisman which was set by ShenHua. However. It was a time limit type.”
“Time limit type…”
“Right. The rest was just to choose, at our discretion, the timing and place and set the illusion. It was a little troublesome, but thanks to that, it looked like we made you think that the real one should have been among the five.”
ShenYun exaggeratedly shrugged his shoulders.
“––Dive into your range by mingling among the clones… Did you really think that I would do something that foolish?”
While saying that ShenYun turned his wrist and multiple talismans appeared between the fingers of both his hands.
“Well. It would be difficult for the current you to dodge even an attack of this level. Wouldn’t it?”
As ShenYun waved his arms, the talismans, which were released, ran through the air and surrounded Ayato.
Though a moderate speed, it was a speed in which Ayato in his unsealed state, let alone dodge them, couldn't slay them all.
The talismans, which surrounded Ayato, remained in the air as if having been pinned.
“Not yet…!”
“Not yet…! I can’t afford to lose in a place like this…!”
“He~e. Even if you do make that kind of face… Yes. I’m very excited.”
Joy spread in ShenYun’s words.
As Ayato re-set his sword while chewing his molars, he tried to forcibly break through the encirclement (of the talismans).
“Oh, I like it, that useless struggle. I’m thrilled.”
But, the talismans, which were one step faster, flickered and exploded.
Furthermore, the talismans of earlier, which were blown off, exploded, and Ayato’s body was many times flipped off like a ping-pong ball. As his defense was not in time, Ayato, who was thoroughly infringed upon by the shock and heat, stooped to the ground without resistance (helplessly).
He had bruises and lacerations, and his bones had probably taken considerable damage.
“…Now then, sorry, but it’s time to end this.”
ShenYun said so and once again took out more talismans.
––But. Just before he released them.
“Ayato! Stretch out your hand!”
Julis’ voice struck Ayato’s ears.
When he promptly stretched his right hand as he was told, Julis, who flapped in on wings of flame, flew in at low altitude, caught it and continued through.
The talismans, which were released, exploded one instant later. As she lost the control due to the blast… The two of them rumblingly fell down on the ground as they were thrown out –– but still they somehow escaped the predicament.
“T-Thank you. Julis… You saved me.”
“No, I’m sorry, too. I knew you were in danger, and it took me time to shake off ShenHua.”
As Julis immediately got up while saying so and set up Aspera Spina.
Although Ayato also somehow stood up with his body, which did not move as he wanted, he immediately fell on his knees as he had apparently suffered considerable damage.
“Geez. Don’t push yourself so much. You understand that you are no match for ShenYun in your current state, don’t you?” Julis, somewhat angrily, said.
Her gaze was still turned towards ShenYun.
ShenHua appeared all too soon beside ShenYun, and they seemed to discuss something. There was enough distance, and each side adopted a proper stance again. In fact, it was Ayato’s side which was overwhelmingly disadvantaged.
“It is my responsibility to have been so completely outdone regarding strategy. But it’s not a reason for you to act so recklessly.”
“We’re in a tough situation but we haven’t yet lost. Don’t be in such a hurry.” Julis said as to admonish him.
As she suddenly revealed a small smile.
“But… Frankly speaking, I’m somewhat glad, too.”
“Your being that much in a hurry is the proof of your desire to win. It’s probably because you become aware of your desire to save your big sister.”
At Julis’ words… Ayato nodded after a slight hesitation.
“When you said that you would fight for me… Of course I was happy. That’s true. But, at the same time, it was also painful. After all. I can’t do anything for you.”
Julis said up to there and turned to Ayato.
“However, now, this time, you and I are on equal footing. Each of us has a wish, and we think to do our best for each other. And it’s something natural. Because we are partners.”
“In the first place, if you ask me, you take too much upon yourself alone. Certainly… You do have power for that. The power to protect me and pull through fights. However, that’s why, I will now return to you those words of yours from back then.”
As Julis teasingly laughed and gently spun those words while touching Ayato’s cheek.
“『––In that case, who will protect you?』”
At that moment.
In the bottom of Ayato’s chest… Something shone.
(This is…)
“Are you done talking? In that case”
“Let’s resume the fight.”
ShenHua and ShenYun said so with a fearless smile.
“It looks like they have finished their preparations. They have probably again prepared a lot of invisible talismans. But…”
As Ayato briefly called out to her, Julis, who had shifted her attention to the twins, suspiciously turned her head.
“––Thank you.”
Ayato said so with a sweet smile.
Julis glared at such Ayato’s face for a while with a dumbfounded face, but as she suddenly came to her senses, she turned away with a bright red face.
“W-What is it so suddenly? I haven’t really done anything which required you to thank me!”
“No, I woke up, thanks to you. This time, that is.”
Ayato adjusted his breathing, slowly stood up, and stood at Julis’ side.
“So. I have something to ask to my partner. May I?”
“…Let me hear it.” Julis replied.
Her face was still a bit red.
“Can you buy some time. Just for a little while?”
“Hou~u? Did you come up with a plan?”
“It’s not really that. But… there is something I want to try. If things go well… We may somehow manage to do something about this situation.”
“––Understood. Let’s try it. We don’t have any other card to play anyway. However, I won’t hold up for very long. You know?” Julis said so and took a step forward.
Searing the image of her back into his memory… Ayato slowly closed his eyes. He focused his consciousness within himself and thought back upon Saya’s words yesterday and Julis’ words today.
And then, his big sister’s words, at that time. –– What he should do.
Then again… A small light shone deep down in his heart. Ayato softly reached out to it.
What this was… Ayato intuitively understood.
This was––
Julis was surprised at herself.
At the time of this adversity, for some reason, she could not stop her heart’s exhilaration. She felt like she could not lose to any opponent at this time. –– Well, she did not think so far, but there was no doubt that her willpower was at its climax.
Although her body ached here and there, compared to Ayato, who took ShenYun’s attacks throughout his body as the vanguard, for Julis, who had only received harassing-like strikes little by little from the vanishing figure of ShenHua, it was a thoroughly preferable situation.
[But I see. That was probably Ayato’s natural smile.]
Julis recalled Ayato’s smile just earlier, and broadly smiled without knowing it.
She had many times seen Ayato smiling but it was the first time that she saw such a carefree smile. It was probably the true face of Ayato who was always somewhat elusive and buoyant.
[So Sasamiya also witnessed that in their old days…]
She unintentionally said “It’s unfair” in a small voice.
Noticing herself thinking so… Julis shook her head and changed her mood. As she looked again to the front, the twins who still had plenty of room to spare, were staring at Julis with grinning faces.
“Oh my. Why does the Gruene RosePetalblaze Witch fight alone?”
“You surely don’t think that you could take on both of us alone, do you?”
“…It’s indeed that. Is it bad?” Julis said
As the twins shrugged their shoulders in unison.
“Haah… It looks like we are seriously underestimated. ShenHua.”
“Yes… It’s regrettable. ShenYun.”
Contrary to their words there was no sign of smiles which had disappeared from the twins’ faces.
“Oh well. I don’t know what you are plotting. But…”
“Let us enjoy ourselves accordingly.”
ShenHua made signs with her fingers and as if melting, her figure disappeared.
“––Humph. I will be troubled if you underestimate us that much.”
Julis muttered so and concentrated her prana. If it’s like this… She also must not hold back.
While moving so that the twins were away from Ayato as much as possible…she released her power.
“Bloom proudly –– RanunculusFlame Phoenix Flower of Heavy Waves!”
At the same time as Julis swung Aspera Spina downward, several heavy flame waves radially surged around her.
Scorched by the heat waves that could not be dodged the twins raised a small scream.
It was a range attack, which covered about one third of the stage, –– though originally intended for defensive use, something used as a check when surrounded by many people. The offensive ability itself was also quite high.
However, even so––.
“…I see, so you are rather aiming at our talismans.”
ShenYun muttered. Seeing explosions bursting all over the stage.
Right. At least with this, within the ability's range, she should have been able to burn down most of the talismans which had been distributed earlier throughout out the stage. Moreover, the Flame Phoenix Flower of Heavy Waves would keep sending out waves of flame within it's effective range as log as she maintained it. The prana consumption was intense but the twins would not be able to easily approach her either.
In the meantime… Julis concentrated her prana for another technique.
Using another technique while maintaining the Flame Phoenix Flower of Heavy Waves was technically and substantively severe for the prana consumption, but she had no leisure to grumble about such things now.
“Hmm, quite interesting… in that case, we shall slightly change our plan.” ShenYun said.
As he performed a sword mark with a quick move.
"Ji. Ji. Ru. Lu. Ling. Chi!"
At that moment… A huge quantity of water gushed out of the sky.
It suddenly covered the entire stage at an enormus rate. Filling up from the ankle, to the knee and until around the level of the thigh in the blink of an eye. It was as if the stage turned into a sea or something.
[It isn’t cold… Does it mean that this is also an illusion…?]
“I hope that you didn’t think that my illusions were only clones. Originally something so flashy is not of my liking.”
“…So what? Such a thing is just an illusion after all.” Julis spat out.
ShenYun giggling and shrugged his shoulders.
“Indeed… It’s just an illusion. But for some reason… It seems that your ability slightly loses its heat.”
To put it plainly. Strega’s and Dante’s abilities were techniques which embodied image. If they were to fall into confusion… The image’s power would also decrease inevitably. In other words… ShenYun currently set an attack on Julis’ constructed flame image using an illusion of water.
“But, this much…!”
Julis focused her mind and maintained the required prana.
“Hmm. Then what about this?”
As ShenYun snapped his fingers multiple ice arrows appeared overhead.
Under a word of command… The ice arrows poured down towards Julis.
Julis, promptly shutting her eyes, let them go past. This time it was probably an attack aimed at her concentration. But an illusion is an illusion; It had no effect as long as you didn’t look at them.
“I see, from the point of letting the illusion go past, it’s a wise way of bearing it. But… I cannot accept that you close your eyes in the middle of a fight.”
ShenYun said with a slightly joking tone.
“––Then. Shall I aim at your partner next?”
At these words Julis reflexively opened her eyes.
And as if waiting for that moment… A huge ice arrow pierced through Julis’ chest.
By the time she realized and was able to surmise it… It was already too late.
Even if she was telling herself that this was an illusion it could not stop the fact that her concentration was disturbed. The flow of prana was ripped, and she could no longer maintain the Flame Phoenix Flower of Heavy Waves.
“Fufufu, well you did do your best … It’s a shame.”
That voice could be heard directly behind Julis.
As she hurriedly braced herself for the attack of ShenHua who was invisible. Then, as predicted, she felt the hit –– probably with a kick –– aimed directly at Julis’ chest.
“Fufufu. Does it hurt? Yes. I guess it hurts. After all, there, it’s the place where Luo’s attack directly hit you before.”
ShenHua, who quietly reappeared, shook her shoulders as she giggled. Certainly that place was where she had been injured during the match against Song and Luo. But, earlier than the pain, a question floated in Julis’ mind.
“W-Why didn’t you aim at the school badge…?”
She should have been able to end it with the timing now.
“Fufufu. My aim had only just swerved a little.”
Kneeling on one knee, as Julis glared at her even while warping her face in pain, ShenHua bragged so with a slandered face. Intentional atrocities were violation of the Stella Carta but it could hardly be applied for minor infractions such as this. Naturally. the twins probably knew it.
“Hmm. I see…! Oh well. Then you should regret this as much as possible!”
Even while enduring the pain Julis released the technique which she had just barely prepared some time ago.
“Come out –– SemiserrataFalling Crimson Flower of Molten Sky!”
A magic circle shone and a huge flame Camellia opened its bud above Julis.
“Wha!? W-Wait, don’t tell me, a suicide attack––!?”
ShenHua disappeared in a hurry but it didn't matter anymore. Even if the opponent was invisible… Julis just need to burn down all her surroundings.
The blast swirled at the same time the flame Camellia fell, and intense heat and flames ran through.
However, in the central part where the explosion was the most intense, Julis stood up without bearing one burn.
“If possible, I didn’t want to show this, but…”
Julis muttered with a painful expression.
It was for the damage she received earlier but, above all else, it was painful for her to have shown her valuable trump card.
Even so, if she could bring down one of the twins with this, it would not be that bad –– she thought.
“…I see. So you can resist your own ability.”
From the other side of the swirling explosive flame… A voice resounded.
As soon the incredibly explosive flames settled she could see that a huge wall had risen up over there. Moreover. It was not just a simple enclosure but one which combined multiple walls.
“I have heard that it was possible for those with high level ability… Honestly. I was surprised. You’re more than what the rumors say… Gruene RosePetalblaze Witch.”
The walls flickered and disappeared. The two ShenHua and ShenYun were standing there unscathed.
“…The one surprised here is me… .”
Just now, it should have been the perfect timing. Even if they tried to defend by making a wall, they could not possibly defend against that explosive flame with just one or two. Those twins cooperated in that instant and accomplish that exploit (of exploits) by making an enclosure.
[Character-wise, they are not people to praise, but their combination is the real deal…!] Julis thought.
In fact, for ShenYun who still had a composed expression, it seemed to be a fact that it was very dangerous. As he observed ShenHua’s face which had somehow turned pale, he said.
“You were too careless just now. ShenHua.”
“S-Sorry. ShenYun…”
“Haah… Well. It’s fine if you understand. So, it looks like we can no longer afford to play with her.”
A serious light was lit in ShenYun’s pupils.
“––Let’s end this already.”
ShenYun took out more talismans and gradually shortened the interval.
The moment when Julis were lured by it and stepped back –– her feet suddenly flickered.
(A talisman––!?)
It was probably a trap set by ShenHua when she was allowed to approach a while ago. A certain number of chains suddenly arose from the ground, twining about Julis’ body like a snake, and arrested her.
“Guh, this…!”
Observing the scene with emotionless eyes ShenYun shot the talismans out. Obviously there was no way that Julis could dodge them while immobilized as she was. The talismans exploded before Julis’ eyes and, because she was unable to defend against them, was sent flying.
She she was tossed and rumblingly rolled on the ground. She finally fell down on her back without even able to utter a voice.
“Oh. To think that you are still conscious; You’re stubborn. Well it’s fine… I will now deliver the final blow.”
Julis heard ShenYun’s voice as if from far away. At this moment… Julis was about to give up––
All the sudden… Shocked by the overwhelming amount of prana which suddenly emerged, the twins and Julis were all together captivated.
The shine, which Ayato owned, was the “key.”
It was needless to say what kind of “key” it was. It was of course the “key” to undo these binding chains which admonished Ayato. It seemed that Ayato will only recognize it once he begins to meet the fixed requirements.
Ayato had looked at himself in his mind in order to examine himself. In regards to the binding chains of imprisonment, which admonished him –– upon close inspection, three locks had been applied there. The first lock had been forcibly broken in order for it to be opened. At first glance, one could see that it was severely broken in such a way that it was irreparable.
Ayato happened to have an idea about it. At the time when he was subjected to this seal by his big sister and was confused –– it was during that time he had resolved himself and tried to break it by brute force. When he had done it for the first time, the image that had floated into his head was the figure of this lock breaking.
Ayato, only half confident, inserted the “key” into the second lock.
As he slowly turned it, the lock clicked wholeheartedly, with a wonderful sound, as it came off.
A part of the binding chains loosened, fell and disappeared in the void.
Immediately after… –– Power welled up.
He opened his eyes and checked his physical condition. Prana did not become a pillar of light and rise up as before. He felt that all of it was filled in his body.
“Okay. I can do it… I guess.”
Ayato turned his gaze around and instantly grasped the situation. He felt that it was a very close call for Julis… It seemed that he somehow made it in time.
He picked up Ser-Versta, which had fallen to the ground slightly earlier, and activated it.
Ayato ran up to Julis’ side, almost instantly, and severed the chains which were coiling around her body.
“Sorry for the delay. Julis.”
“…It was really close… Ayato.”
Julis wryly smiled with a relieved expression.
“Is the seal completely broken…?”
At that question… Ayato slightly shook his head.
“No. It seemed like it can be somehow lifted step by step (gradually); Let’s say that I’m actually at the second stage. And besides… It’s not as if it’s particularly making me more powerful.”
“Is that right? No. But this prana is…”
“Yes. This is only able to contain the prana which was leaking out from within me so far. So the power itself isn’t that much different to what I had in my unsealed state. But, on the other hand I think, that the time limit is prolonged.”
“How long can you hold?”
“Well. Let’s see…”
Ayato compared the power he had within him now with the power he had before, and tried to make a rough estimate.
“Probably. More than one hour.”
Julis steadily stared at Ayato as she was at a loss for words.
“––Is that so? Then… May I ask to rest? Honestly. I’m already at my limit.”
Ayato answered so and turned to face the twins.
“It’s just like you see, so this time, I will be your opponent.”
ShenYun, who was looking at the powered up Ayato with a surprised expression, took a deep breath.
“You guys are really full of surprises. That power, don’t tell me, you have been preserving it so far…”
“Well. Many things have happened. What will you do? Will you once again try to buy time?” Ayato asked.
“No. I will pass.” ShenYun quickly said.
As he again took out multiple talismans with both hands.
ShenHua, so far silent and with a serious face, made herself disappear.
“Now… Then.”
Ayato calmly analyzed the situation while setting up Ser-Versta.
––Needless to mention the present results… The odds were still, overwhelmingly, disadvantageous.
Anyway. It was not as if Ayato powered up just because his time limit increased or that his injuries were healed. In other words, regarding the power, it was still not that much different from before.
On top of that, including ShenHua, it was a two-on-one this time. Since he was led around by the nose by ShenYun until a while ago, one could say the situation rather grew worse.
Nevertheless, with the outflow of prana, which stopped, there was one thing he was now able to do.
[It’s been a long time after all… So I don’t know how much I can do]
Ayato closed his eyes once again.
However. This time it was not in order to look within himself but to heighten his perception of the immediate surroundings.
As he expanded his perception to the limit, let alone the opponents’ movements and the prana flow, he also comprehensively grasped the information of the sound, the air, and each and every place. This was the state of “cognition”.
Since the prana outflow had only been perceived as a “noise”, up until now, he hadn't been able to succeed. But now––
Ayato's eye's, reflecting the present unchanging physical environment, slowly opened. He actually felt that his perception had extended and could perfectly grasp the reality, rather than the image, of everything within range.
“––All right.”
Ayato casually took a step forward.
He advanced forward and mowed down the seemingly empty space before him, with Ser-Versta in one hand, while the hidden talismans that appeared were split in two and burned out. Ayato was cutting through the invisible talismans, one after another, as he was advancing at a leisurely pace. Though these were the remaining talismans that Julis had failed to burn off… The present Ayato was able to accurately figure out where and how many of these talismans, which would normally be invisible to him, were set.
“No way… Do you see them?”
ShenYun muttered with a surprised expression. He did not see them. He just knew.
“In that case…!”
ShenYun released all the talismans in both his hands all at once and surrounded Ayato who was then fully Encircled by twelve pieces of depth charge talismans.
However. Ayato proceeded forward without being flustered in the least. The talismans exploded as a matter of course arising one after another in a chain of heavy blasts. But… Ayato had just barely evaded every one of those explosions. Ayato could perfectly imagine both the scale of the explosions and the routes to fend them off.
[––Right rear. Huh]
Ayato dodged ShenHua’s attacks, which came from behind him by moving just half a step over. He then lightly pushed the shoulder of ShenHua, who was not visible, and shifted her axis off center.
“First ‘Amagiri Bright Dragon Style’ Hidden Technique, !”
ShenHua’s attacks, which were prompted by Ayato, directly hit ShenHua’s own talismans, which had been previously set in the front.
The talismans mercilessly exploded and ShenHua’s technique was instantly broken by the initial impact. Her body, crumpled by the explosion, reappeared while limply dancing in the air and her school badge was adroitly cut down as Ayato advanced by.
“Li ShenHua. School badge damage.”
As the school badge announced ShenHua’s defeat and, as expected, impatience clouded over ShenYun’s face. He greatly took up a distance and prepared to set up his talismans.
“This is a truly unexpected development. But… I have also prepared a trump card…!” ShenYun said.
As and so he extended both his hands and a large quantity of talismans overflowed from his sleeves like an avalanche.
It was hardly a quantity which could fit within a uniform but the Star Senjutsu was probably such a thing. The talismans, which still overflowed, soared up like a tornado and, just like that, started forming a huge ball above ShenYun.
If these were all depth charge talismans… Then it would possess a tremendous amount of destructive power.
“It’s a depth charge sphere woven by using all the talismans I had. You shall fully savor it.” ShenYun said.
As he further made complex signs with his fingers on the spot.
Then, the depth charge sphere greatly swayed, and increased its number as it slightly wavered. One became two, two became four –– and finally eight depth charge spheres surrounded Ayato in the sky of the stage.
“Of course most of those are illusions. There is just one real… Well. The current you will probably figure it out and dodge it without that much difficulty.”
As ShenYun, who said so, wielded his arms and the huge depth charge spheres started to descend.
“––However. How about this?”
Ayato, who noticed it, looked up startled. As ShenYun said… Ayato had already figured out which was the real one and which were the illusions. That’s why he understood.
[So he is not aiming at me… But at Julis!]
Right. The depth charge spheres were aiming at Julis, who had fallen down on her knees, behind Ayato.
Although Julis tried to stand up as she also realized it… She soon fell on her knees again. The depth charge ball’s speed was rather slow, but Julis did not have any technique to tell illusions apart. Moreover, Julis, who was already almost at her limit, would have difficulty dodging them.
“Now, Murakumo, what are you going to do? Abandon her? No. There is no way you would do that!”
ShenYun loudly said so with a complacent smile. He was probably confident that Ayato would go help Julis. That’s to jump towards those depth charge spheres; even if it was Ayato, he would suffer heavy damages if he was caught in that explosion.
“Ayato! I’m all right! More importantly… Take care of him––”
“Why don’t you shut up a little… Gruene RosePetalblaze Witch?” ShenYun said with cold eyes.
He then made signs with his fingers as he moved towards Julis.
Lightning gushed out and was going to strike Julis.
“––I see that you are playing dirty to the very end, Li ShenYun.”
Ayato, now standing in-between ShenYun and Julis, repelled the lightning bolt with Ser-Versta.
“Hahaha! Right, it should be like that, Murakumo! I guess that now neither of you will be able to dodge it. Will you? You should be blown off together!”
Certainly. The depth charge sphere had already drawn near before their eyes.
“There’s no need to dodge it.” Ayato muttered.
As he then poured prana into Ser-Versta’s Ulm mana dite.
As a result the sword blade Ser-Versta, devouring Ayato’s boundless quantity of prana, immediately began to lengthen as a black pattern gleefully danced around it. In an instant its length had grown tremendously and now exceeded ten meters.
The meteor art, which he tried once when he eliminated the pseudo-dragons with Kirin before[23]. The prana consumption was too intense, and he had thought that he would not be able to use it in a match since it would hasten his limit as a result. With the current Ayato there was no problem.
Ayato then mowed down the real depth charge sphere, which was falling and aiming at Julis, easily bisecting it along with it's illusions. In addition… Ayato, now swinging downward from an overhead position, slashed apart the resulting explosion’s great blast effect, that was starting to erupt from the impact, with one single strike.
As Ser-Versta swept over ShenYun, who stood motionless in blank amazement, the long deep slashing attack carved an impression into the stage. However, Ayato let go of Ser-Versta and empty-handed shortened the distance to ShenYun in one breath.
“––As expected, I got a little angry.”
Ayato said and strongly clenched a fist.
He then thoroughly drove that fist into the face of the dumbfounded ShenYun...
ShenYun, who did a somersault as he was sent flying, did not seem to change from his initial pose not even an inch.
“So, well, something like that.”
Ayato said to ShenYun, who subsequently fell to the floor of the arena, and then slightly sighed.
“Li ShenYun. Loss of consciousness.”
“End of the battle! Winner; Amagiri Ayato & Julis-Alexia Van Riessfeld!”
Great cheers and ovation like a storm swept over the stage. The reporter and commentator seemed to say something… But it was so noisy that what they were saying was drowned out and inaudible.
As Ayato, though a little tired, turned around and looked back at Julis with a smiling face which expressed a clear joy. She firmly gave a thumb's-up right back at him.
Chapter 7 – Unyielding Feelings
“Congratulations! Princess!”
Flora’s passionate welcome met Ayato and Julis when they returned to the waiting room.
Managing to catch Flora, who's flying embrace ended with the two vigorously hugging, Julis smiled delightfully.
“Thank you. Flora.”
“It was really. Really amazing! I was very excited!”
Exactly as her words stated, Flora’s cheeks were slightly red, and she buzzingly waved her arms while brightening her eyes shiningly.
This time they could not escape from the winner interview, as expected. But even so, they somehow tip-toed through it with noncommittal answers and had finally been released. Quite a while had passed since the match was over. Still… Flora’s excited state meant that she was very deeply impressed.
“Amagiri-sama was also very cool! What should I do to become so strong? Will I also someday become like that?”
“E-Errr… Well, for the time being, you should never miss daily training.”
“I see! Then… Then, next time, please let me train with you, too!”
“Y-Yeah, that’d be great…”
“Whoopee! Thank you. Amagiri-sama! I will do my best!”
After Julis, Flora embraced Ayato too.
She gave a feeling of a small animal different from Kirin. If compelled for an example; It would be the feeling of a small dog fully brimming with vigor. Kirin gave the feeling of wanting to pat her head but for Flora, if anything, it was the loveliness of wanting to run one’s fingers over her hair.
“Fufufu. I see that Flora is as energetic as usual. I am relieved.”
And at the back of the room… Claudia was happily observing such a pleasant scene.
“What. So you came––well. I guess Flora could not come in here alone.”
“Yes. I did not think that I could meet her in a place like this, so I was a little surprised.”
Claudia said so and merrily laughed.
“Judging from your talk, you seem to be acquainted with Flora-chan, Claudia.” Ayato remarked.
“Yes, we met several times when she served as Julis’ maid.”
“Enfield-sama was always very kind! She also gave me a lot of delicious candies today!” Flora added in...
Now that she mentioned it… Something which looked like chocolate was on Flora’s mouth and various types of baked sweets were spread out on the table.
“Yes. This is a present from me. I’m finally on break from work so I had time.”
“Do you mean you have made this, Claudia?”
“It has been a really long time since I stood in the kitchen… I cannot guarantee the taste.” Claudia humbly admitted.
Even if she said that, upon observation, their outward appearance was in no way inferior compared to those sold in shops or––rather than that––they looked better.
“Then, since it’s a rare occasion, let’s eat them. I’m also hungry.”
“Yes. By all means.”
He picked up a cookie coated with chocolate and put it into his mouth...
“––Yes. It's delicious!”
He could not make a comparison since, he did not usually eat sweets that much, however there was a moderate sweetness that compliments the slightly bitter chocolate. It was a refined taste. You could say that this fragrant and pleasing flavor was quite to Ayato’s liking.
“Fufufu. I am glad you liked it.”
Claudia said, with her cheeks dyed slightly red, with a delightful smile.
“Still… To think that even Claudia can cook. It’s amazing.”
Since she was an Ojou-sama[24] he thought that she would not be good at these kinds of things. But, in reality, it looked as if she could do anything.
“Really, as usual, you’re perfect to the extent that it’s sarcastic. You just handle about everything as if it is a matter of course… Don’t you even have at least one thing you are not good at?”
Julis also picked up a sweet with a somewhat amazed face.
“Oh my! Even I have at least some weak spots, you know? However, this time, I thought that I must also earn some points.”
“…Points?” Julis quizzically asked again.
At that… Claudia simply put her index finger up.
“Even though all of you have appealed to him with your homemade cooking… I cannot be the only one left behind. Right?”
Julis thoroughly choked over these words...
“I-I didn’t really do that to appeal him or something…! Or rather… How do you know about it in the first place?”
“Fufufu, I wonder how. ––Well. Let's set that aside.”
As Claudia lightly dodged Julis’ question… She suddenly put on a serious expression.
“To both of you, congratulations for your qualification to the semifinals. As the representative of Seidoukan Academy… I would like to express my joy and gratitude.”
She said so and deeply bowed her head.
“No. We haven’t really done anything for which you need to be grateful…”
“That's right! In the end… I am only fighting in order to fulfill my wish.”
“That might certainly be so. However, judging from the viewpoint of the current season's general record, the present Seidoukan was able to get more points than expected. After all, for the first time in several years, you are among the best four. It’s really helped us.”
“Well, I don’t feel bad from being honestly praised by you. But, which reminds me, have you also gone to see the other pair?”
“Yes, their match was earlier after all, I greeted them before stopping by here.”
Needless to say that the other pair was Saya and Kirin.
“I took the opportunity to invite them to come here with me. But… They said that they have to prepare for tomorrow’s match.”
“Hohou~u, as expected, they are really into it.”
“It’s the opponent of fate after all…”
Saya’s and Kirin’s next opponents were at last the autonomous puppets of Allekant. It was the opponent, which triggered Saya’s participation in this Phoenix; They displayed their overwhelming power in all their matches.
Ayato was also interested in how those two would confront them.
“Since you have all come so far… I would, by all means, like to see a fight between fellow students of Seidokan over the championship.”
At Claudia’s words Julis strongly nodded.
“Of course. This is our intention. And. Probably –– theirs too.”
“At last! All the best four are known.”
Sitting on the chair of the work room the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Festa, Madiath Mesa, greatly exhaled.
“Yes. Although this year’s Phoenix was in a slump in the advance reviews, when looking at the results, it became a stunning climax. Your decision to approve the substitute participation of Allekant was the right choice. As one would expect of the Committee Chairman… What great skill!”
“It’s a little early to call it great success. I mean… There is the possibility that the evaluation would be overturned in the semifinals and the finals.”
“No, no, at the present time, it has already exceeded the last Phoenix in both the entertainment industry profits and the volume of audience mobilization. There is no way that the evaluation will change from here…”
“There is no telling what may happen in the future. Isn’t that why it’s interesting?” Said his older subordinate who lavished on blatant compliments and flattery.
Madiath then operated the portable terminal on his desk and opened up multiple space windows.
The data on the eight players, who had won up to the semifinals in this Phoenix, were projected in the various space windows.
The pair from Allekant Academy, the pair from St. Garrardsworth Academy, and the two pairs from Seidoukan Academy.
“Which pair do you think will win?”
“Huh…? No, I am a Steering Committee member, so I am afraid I cannot give my personal opinion just like that…”
“Hahaha. You’re too stiff. It’s fine. You have my permission. Think of it as a part of your duties.”
Prompted by Madiath, the subordinate, though looking uneasy, looked at the players projected in the lined space windows.
“Let’s see… Honestly. I didn't think the two pairs from Seidoukan would have come this far either. No matter how good Seidoukan is at the Phoenix, the sluggish wave of their past several years of performances is such a plight that one would like to avert their eyes.”
“Yeah, but in return, they have some kind of momentum. Then… Will either of these two win?”
“No. Both pairs are certainly excellent, but there are too many unstable factors. It will probably be impossible for them to win.”
The subordinate plainly explained.
Even judging from Madiath’s perspective… This subordinate was not incompetent. Or rather… There shouldn't be incompetent people existing in the core departments of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation. Taking that into account even he thought this subordinate was a capable man.
Involved with the management of the Festa for many years his discernment, from having watched a lot of players, was reliable enough.
“I see. Then… How about the pair of Garrardsworth?”
“Hmm… I think that the rank #11 of the pair is a skilled Dante but the combination is a little bad. After all… There is no close affinity between their abilities. Unless in extreme circumstances… This is as far as they can go.”
“Which means, –– from your perspective, the winning pair will be the puppets of Allekant.”
At Madiath’s words the subordinate politely nodded.
“Yes. Their specs are very splendid. Even when watching their matches so far… It's been a landslide victory in almost all. There is no bill for complaint. From a sound judgment, there is no doubt that the winner will be them. Just…”
For an instant… Doubt spread in the subordinate's pupils.
“No, it’s just that when I think about what kind of influence it will have in the future Festas, it might not be something very delightful…”
“Ah, no, this is not something which the likes of me should poke his nose in. I am sorry.”
The subordinate hurriedly bowed his head.
“No. Don’t say that. It’s a very valuable opinion. Certainly, if the puppets, which have been allowed participation by exceptional measures, were to nab the victory, there will be a lot of people who won’t find it funny. Besides. The fans, even the ones cheering for them now, may find it a little too much if they were to win the championship.”
The exceptional measures of this time were something that Allekant had directly thrust upon Madiath. In other words, if Madiath messed in this matter, it would immediately become a liability issue with him.
“––But well, even if that happens, it can’t be helped that such a thing happens. After all… We just merely provided them the appropriate venue.”
“…That’s right.”
The subordinate said so respectfully. With a face, which showed that he thought of something, he said to Madiath.
“By the way Committee Chairman… Who did you think will be the winner?”
“You want my opinion? Hmm, well…”
Just like his subordinate earlier… Madiath alternately looked at the eight space windows.
“––It will be Allekant.”
“Oh, so you also think that after all.”
“If purely comparing the combat capability that conclusion is incontrovertible. They will, in all probability, reign in this Phoenix… Oh, it’s almost time, I guess.”
As Madiath said that he checked the clock.
“Oh. It’s definetly time for the liaison conference with Frauenlob. I have taken your valuable time with this idle talk.”
“No. What? Don’t worry about it since it was me who asked for it.”
As Madiath lightly raised his hands… The subordinate left the office after bowing.
Madiath, who saw him off, closed the space windows one-by-one after heaving a sigh.
The two people of Garrardsworth disappeared, Saya and Kirin disappeared, Allekant’s dolls disappeared –– Julis disappeared.
The remaining was only the space window in which Amagiri Ayato was projected.
Madiath’s hand stopped right there.
“––Haruka’s younger brother. Huh.”
On the face of Madiath, who muttered so, a pleasant smile floated.
“Yes. Indeed… There is no telling what may happen in the future. That's why it is interesting. That's right.”
––Phoenix, 14th day. Sirius Dome; Waiting room.
“Well then –– shall we go soon?”
As Kirin called so out to her, Saya raised her look, which was cast at her hands and nodded with her usual deadpan.
“? What is that?”
Saya was apparently looking at an old piece of paper.
“…This is my lucky charm.” Saya openly declared.
When she showed it to Kirin… It was a handwritten ticket overflowing with hand-crafted feelings. It was probably something made by the hands of children where the words “wish ticket” was greatly written in lovely characters.
“It’s a magic ticket. Which makes any wish come true.”
“Wow… It’s wonderful.”
It was probably a very important keepsake for Saya. Even from the way she used her hands to handle that ticket, it could be deeply felt.
“Ah, then, did you by any chance wish for today’s victory?”
However Saya softly shook her head.
“No. This is just a lucky charm. Today’s victory is something we just have to seize with our power.”
“…You are right. I’m sorry.”
Saya’s words were quite right. With the optimistic thought to rely on something like that… They could not win through this point.
Kirin thought so and once again strengthened her resolve. At the same time Saya put away the ticket in her breast pocket and slowly turned around towards Kirin.
“Y-Yes. What is it?” She frankly asked back.
“––Thank you.” Saya suddenly bowed her head.
“Eeh!? What is it so suddenly?”
“It’s thanks to Kirin’s power that we were able to come this far. I appreciate.”
“O-Oh no. Please stop…!”
To the sudden occurrence Kirin waved both her hands.
“…I wanted to arrive here by all means.” Saya said and tightly clenched her fists.
“In order to defeat the autonomous puppets of Allekant. Right?”
Kirin had also heard of the circumstances which resulted in Saya’s participation in the Phoenix. The gun which Saya’s father made was insulted by a student of Allekant, and she wanted to make her take it back.
However. She had certainly found it a little strange.
She understood that it was very important for Saya, but still, she also thought that participating in the Phoenix just for that was somewhat going too far.
Then, as she guessed what Kirin was thinking, Saya slightly smiled wryly.
“…Kirin. Let me tell you something. My father lost a great portion of his body in an accident at the Institute where he was working.”
Since she said it just like that… Kirin, for an instant, could not understand the meaning very well.
"Fortunately. His brain was safe so he then built an atelier[25] in the house with the compensation money and connected it with the central unit (of his brain). He himself seemed to be satisfied, now that he can move make more precise movements than he could with his actual body, after some getting used to."
“…” Kirin, not knowing what she should say, could only look downward, troubled.
“Don’t worry about it. Dad says that it was good, he can now freely research what he likes. I have already come to terms with it too.”
“What he likes…” Kirin. Pointing out the obvious.
“––To make guns for me.” Saya said while stroking the Lux activation body that hung on her waist.
“…For Saya-san?”
“Yes. That’s why what Camilla Pareto said was spot on in a sense. After all. This power, rather than being made for many “people”, was created just for one person… “Me”.”
As she exhaled there… Saya closed her eyes once––and then opened them slowly.
“But, even so––that’s why I won’t forgive the fact she denies it.”
Behind Saya's pupils a strong and firm will was shining ardently.
It was an unyielding conviction.
“…Ah. That‘s right. Please keep this a secret to Ayato what I said about my father.”
“Why?” Kirin asked.
“Ayato is kind… So I’m sure he will make a fuss about it. I intend to tell him after this tournament is over.”
“…I understand.”
If Saya choose that… Then Kirin would not be the one to butt in.
Even while thinking that… Kirin secretly smiled wryly. Saya’s concern seemed just like her.
“I'm tired from having talked so much… Let's go.” Saya took a small breath and left the waiting room.
Kirin also hung Senbakiri on her waist and hurriedly ran after her back.
The passage leading to the stage was long and dim.
Come to think of it… This was the first time that they had a match in the Sirius Dome. It was not that much different from the other large-scale stages, but as expected, they felt that it was somewhat special to have a match in Asterisk’s main stage.
––A little ahead, in the passage, two persons’ figures could be seen near the entrance gate.
As Saya also noticed it her pace slightly weakened.
She gradually understood, as the distance drew near, but they were apparently women.
[Allekant uniforms… That means that maybe those people are––]
“Hi, hi, young lady. Long time no see.”
One of them, a woman, who tied up her hair in a ponytail––Ernesta Kühne––started to talk to her somewhat strangely and brightly.
“…What do you want?”
“Oh my, you’re rather cold. Even though we will fight against each other after this it doesn’t really mean that we shouldn’t deepen our friendship, does it? It’s not really like I will tell you to throw the match away.”
“It’s the puppets which will fight. Not you.”
“Hmm, well, that’s right. But…”
She felt that there was no way to get along with Saya.
Kirin did not know what to do in this situation and could only watch the exchanges in a dither.
“It’s just that there is something that our Camilla wanted to tell you before the match no matter what.”
In response to the words, the brown woman, who was so far standing behind Ernesta––Camilla Pareto––took one step forward.
“Long time no see Sasamiya Saya. What, it looks like I have also misunderstood a little, so I thought that I shall say it before the match.”
“Yes, I have watched your matches and understood. If you look at them individually the luxes you use are all defective. However, through your usage, in other words, when seeing you yourself included with them as one weapon, I have no choice but to admit that it’s powerful without equal.”
At these words, Saya looked at Camilla as if she was surprised.
“But I have no intention of taking back the words I said the other day. When including you yourself, along with the gun, as one weapon, it means that the organic instability rather increases. So it isn't practical after all. And on my––the FerroviusLion Faction’s––conviction and pride, that strain to concentrate a biased power to an individual is inadmissible.”
Ahead of Saya, who was about to say something, Camilla declared.
“…Then, I will just surpass your dolls and make you admit it.”
“It's impossible. If by any chance… Though it’s impossible, even if Ardi and Rimsi were to lose to you guys, I would still not admit it.”
At these words, Saya, with eyes filled with anger, stared at Camilla.
“…However, I will take back the words of the other day then. All the technologies, which the FerroviusLion Faction and I have piled up, are poured in the armaments of Ardi and Rimsi. If you were to defeat them then even I will admit that it's practical.”
Just as Camilla said all that… She turned her back to Saya and walked off.
“Ah, wai–, isn’t it cruel for you to immediately go back after you finish your business? Even though I wanted to ask many things since I’m also interested in that child’s armament… Hey. Ah geez, wait! Camilla.”
Ernesta was running after her back while jumping up and down like a frog.
However Ernesta, suddenly stopping, looked back and shouted.
“Well then… I leave our children to your care! Enjoy yourself!” As she excitedly waved both her hands like a child.
This time for sure she disappeared down the passage with quick steps.
Saya was motionlessly looking at her direction for a while, but she soon turned towards the entrance gate.
“Let's go, Kirin.”
To the stage, which swirled with lights and cheers, she stretched her legs.
“––We will absolutely win.”
『"Hi, hi, everyone, thank you for waiting! Like usual, I am the person in charge of the live report in the Sirius Dome, Yanase Miko, and here is the commentator, Tram-san!"』
『"Errr, and like that, it’s finally the semifinals of the Phoenix! The first semifinal match will be a clash between the Sasamiya Saya/Toudou Kirin pair of Seidoukan Academy and the Ardi/Rimsi pair of Allekant Academy, which became the substitute participants, by special case of restriction, in this tournament! What a pleasure!"』
『"After all, it is said that, this match is almost virtually considered as the final round."』
『"Eh? Is that so?"』
『"The other one is that, since both pairs had also fairly struggled through fierce battles, they should have quietly accumulated fatigue and damage, too. On that point, after all, both the pairs here today have arrived almost unscathed."』
『"Ah, I see, I see. Certainly, it was in such a short time that we could say that almost all the matches of both pairs were instant kills. Still, the Sasamiya/Toudou pair seemed to have a hard fight as such in the previous quarterfinal, but the Ardi/Rimsi pair, on the other hand, have settled all their matches so far in just over one minute!"』
『"And what’s more… They win even after making that declaration of “not moving even one finger for one minute” in all their matches. As for today’s highlight, I look forward to whether or not the Sasamiya/Toudou pair will break through player Ardi’s absolute defensive wall without stooping down, and become the first focus."』
––Absolute defensive wall.
They were talking about the wall of light deployed by Ardi. Before anyone knew, such a naming spread in the Net, it was completely established now. According to Saya, it seemed to be something which was the downsized version of the defense wall used in the stage. For the moment no one was able to break through it and make an attack reach Ardi.
Then, this time too, Ardi said in a loud voice.
“Listen well! This time, too, I shall give a deferment of one minute. In the meantime, we will not move even one finger. You should freely attack to your heart’s content!”
His figure, which affirmed full confidence, somehow looked more human than the humans themselves.
Saya just glanced at such Ardi and immediately turned towards Kirin.
“Kirin, I leave that one to you.”
“––Show him what you can do.”
As she lightly nodded at Saya’s words, Kirin unsheathed her sword while turning her look towards Ardi.
They prepared for the battle and changed their consciousness.
“Phoenix, semifinal first game, battle start!”
Even when the beginning of the match was declared, Ardi and Rimsi did not show any signs of movement.
Ardi folded his arms with a daunting pose. It hardly seemed to be the image of someone in the middle of a Pheonix match. That attitude was the very picture of arrogance.
“I, Toudou Kirin, engage.”
As Kirin set up Senbakiri directly straight… She confronted Ardi’s imposing figure head-on.
“Hmm, Toudou, huh. I did not think that you would be my opponent.”
Then, Ardi said with a very surprised voice.
“…What about it?”
“What, I expected Sasamiya Saya as my opponent. I am a little surprised.”
“By that… Do you imply that I am lacking as your opponent?”
“To try to break through my defensive wall... It would be more reasonable to have Sasamiya Saya, with her high firepower Lux, as my opponent.”
“Among the participants of this Phoenix, competing for first place, you certainly possess high physical capabilities to a refined degree. The data proves this. But the weapon you use is not even a lux… Just a mere Nihontou. It would have been another story if it was an Ogre Lux; but, with only this, you will not be able to break through my defensive wall.”
Ardi looked down at Kirin from above and shrugged his shoulders while saying… “Good grief”.
“I will not say anything bad, you can switch with Sasamiya Saya even now; otherwise you two could…”
“––Then, do you want to try?”
Kirin briefly said as she interrupted Ardi’s words.
“Check with your body whether Senbakiri and I are not match for you.”
“…Very well. If you said that much then you should try. I look forward to see what you would do one minute from now.”
The moment when Ardi nodded a slash ran by like a flash.
That blow, which was slashed diagonally from the shoulder, was of a speed suitable to be called Godspeed. However, just before the point of the sword reached Ardi’s body, it was repelled by the wall of light, which suddenly appeared.
Even so Kirin, not caring about it, connected a second and then a third slash.
“Hou~u… This is a wonderful speed. To think that a human body could even reach such a domain… I am really impressed.”
Ardi, with still his arms folded, did not move an inch.
Nevertheless, Kirin’s attacks were all repelled by the wall of light.
“But, it is useless. No matter how fast you are, you cannot surpass me in reaction velocity since you are a human. In other words, your attacks will never reach me.”
To Ardi, who flatly asserted, Kirin pulled her sword once and adjusted her breathing.
“…I see, I get it now. It is already enough.”
Kirin, who said so, re-set Senbakiri to a sword fighting style and once again launched a slashing.
“Don’t you understand that it’s useless…”
That blow took a roundabout path so as to slip through the wall of light. It made a hard metallic sound and carved a straight scratch on Ardi’s arm.
『"O-Ooh, this is amazing! Finally, finally, finally, for the first time in this tournament, player Ardi received an attack! Who would have imagined that Player Kirin would conquer that impregnable absolute defensive wall with a Nihontou!"』
The excited voices of both the reporter and the stands greatly rose.
In contrast with it, Ardi was now staring at the wound in his left hand with a dumbfounded face.
“Impossible… It’s unlikely. How on earth…”
“There is still time remaining, right? In that case, please take back you earlier declaration. And let’s have a fair fight.”
“…What do you mean by that?”
“Do not look down on us is what I mean.”
To Kirin, who declared so, Ardi shut up bitterly.
And Kirin released a slash in a flash.
The wall of light appeared trying to prevent it, but once again Kirin’s blade slipped through it and dug a sharp scratch on Ardi’s flank.
“It’s not a fluke. ––If you intend to go on like this until the end, I will end it with the next attack.”
As Kirin said so, she thrust Senbakiri at Ardi.
Ardi was silent.
Kirin took a small breath and let Senbakiri flash three times.
But, Ardi, who activated his hammer type lux a step faster, attacked Kirin first.
As Kirin promptly pulled her sword and dodged that attack, she greatly leapt back and took a distance.
『"A-And, and! There was an attack launched by player Ardi! The time is 56 seconds since player Ardi’s declaration! One minute has not yet passed!"』
When Ardi rotated his hammer, he planted its ferrule into the ground.
“…Well done! For this one, it is my complete defeat. I shall take back that declaration!”
Ardi unexpectedly, and with dignity, quickly took back his words.
“It seems like I grew a little arrogant. I fully realized that I am still a greenhorn. Therefore –– if you don't mind, I want you to teach me what kind of technique you used earlier.”
Contrary to his words, Ardi’s attitude was still big.
However, it looked like he had said it in all sincerity.
Although Kirin took a stance, she slowly opened her mouth.
“It’s because you are a machine.”
“…What do you mean?”
Ardi tilted his head to the side as if to say he was unable to understand.
“You have predicted my attacks from my data and movements, and deployed your defensive wall based on it. Haven’t you?”
“Yes, it is exactly as you say.”
And his voice also implied this question “What’s wrong with it?”
“In the Toudou style there is a technique which leads on all factors, such as the opponent’s breathing and line of sight, changes in timing and muscle movements; it’s a constantly changing strategy. However, because you are an excellent machine, I easily guess them all and arrived at an answer greater than the 'perfect' you comprehend. Then, finally, I just had to shift only a little from there.”
“I have been led, you say?” Ardi muttered in surprise.
“If this was a fight between skilled fellow swordsmen, a wide variety of mutual reading could have unfolded in the interval of a split second. For example, I think the attack earlier would not have reached Ayato-senpai with one stroke of the sword if he was the opponent. I had led you on quite unnaturally after all. But because you are a machine you simply reacted to my movements...”
As Kirin stopped there… She completely cut off.
“––In short, you fatally lack combat experience.”
On the other side, Saya was contentedly watching the exchanges between Kirin and Ardi.
“…As expected of Kirin.”
She said so and nodded many times.
“––I can’t understand.”
Rimsi, who confronted Saya, quizzically frowned.
“Hmm? What?”
“That you did not come to attack me during this one minute.”
Right. Exactly as Rimsi stated, Saya, without even deploying her lux, was just watching the exchanges between Kirin and Ardi.
“That slowpoke stupid good-for-nothing’s self-destruction was just reaping what he sowed. That said, to think that she wastes her precious advantage. Isn’t it rather you, who are looking down on us? If that’s the case, then it’s extremely unpleasant.”
As Rimsi said that, and deployed huge gun type luxes in both her hands, she defined her aim to Saya.
“…Unpleasant? I only wanted to fight you seriously.”
Saya, still without losing her calm, finally took out her lux activation body.
“––Otherwise, it won’t have any meaning for me.”
Immediately after that, a rain of light bullets poured down like a storm.
Saya turned aside adroitly just before, thereby nicely dodging it, and jumped. She then activated her lux in mid-air.
“Type 41 - Gleaming Form - Twin Particle Guns Waldenholt.”
She muttered to herself.
It referred to the name of the weapon that her father made for her.
It was, of course, one of the rules that Saya had established for herself.
A large lux with a huge back unit manifested immediately as Saya’s hair ornament accordingly deployed into a simple aiming monitor. Multiple gun barrels began covering up, bit by bit, whole entire sections of her left and right arms.
At the same time she landed, while also pouring her prana into the mana dites and avoiding the light bullets, which were relentlessly attacking her, Saya pulled the trigger.
A pale light gathered in front of the muzzle and swelled...
The next moment… Two huge light bullets, along with a shrill firing sound, shot out with a speed as if to tear the atmosphere.
Rimsi, who barely dodged the first light bullet, was not able to dodge the second.
A huge explosion sound blasted out and echoed, enough to make one think that the hall might collapse, and Rimsi’s body was sent flying until it slammed into the wall on the opposite side. If there was no defensive wall, she would have broken through the wall for sure and might have gone outside the stage.
It was to the extent such that it gave the impression of an overwhelming destructive power.
“Therefore, our preparations are also complete.”
Turning towards where the cloud of dust densely soared, Saya muttered.
“––Come at me seriously.”
As if responding to it… A pair of red eyes shone from within the dust cloud.
In that room, in which the light of the day brightly shone, refined furnishings were arranged with the perfect order. Everything, which existed there, from the curtains of classic design rustling in the wind, a carpet of a calm tint based on indigo and beige, an office desk of ebony in which fine decorative carvings were applied, up to the penholder decorated with gold, which was placed in the corner, built up one space, which harmonized without compromise.
A small world by no means just gorgeous, yet graceful and refined.
In the center of that world, one young man was smiling very happily.
His surprisingly refined features and uncurled pale blond hair were to the extent that, at first glance, one might seem to be confused on whether the young man was not also one of the furnishings.
That frank temperament, the brilliant and strong presence –– and above all else, if it was a person with even a bit of a discerning eye, then they should notice that a sharp blade was hidden behind his soft smile.
Otherwise, of course, he could never be fit to be the student council president of St. Garrardsworth Academy, and should not have been chosen by that , either.
…Much less, maintaining the rank #1 as such.
“It looks like you are really enjoying yourself, Ernest.”
The vice-president of St. Garrardsworth Academy, Laetitia Blanchard knocked at the door, very poorly if saying so, left open earlier.
“Oh, Laetitia. So you came.”
The young man –– St. Garrardsworth Academy student council president, Ernest Fairclough raised his face and turned a refreshing smile toward Laetitia.
He was apparently watching the opened space window at hand.
“Oh my, are you perhaps watching the semifinal?”
“No, what I was watching was yesterday’s quarterfinal.”
“The quarterfinal…?”
At his answer, Laetitia tightly furrowed her eyebrows.
Roughly scratching her blond hair, that was a shade darker than Ernest's, Laetitia peered in the space window.
The Phoenix quarterfinal match, which took place yesterday, was certainly projected there. Due to the fierce battle between the players of Seidoukan and World Dragon, they became quite the talk in Asterisk; also their next opponents were her companions from the same Life RhodesSilver Wings Knights Squadron. It was no wonder that she was also interested.
It was no wonder, but Laetitia was slightly displeased with it.
“…Are you that much interested in that boy?”
“Fufufu. You can say that.”
At Laetitia’s indication Ernest frankly nodded.
“Geez… Be it her or you, why are you so much concerned with that child? I cannot understand.”
“Oh dear! The great you, who bears the nickname of the , shouldn't make such a face.”
Ernest laughed as he admonished Laetitia, who pouted.
“You become really childish when it comes to Miss Enfield.”
“Wha…!? T-That’s not true! That’s not true at all!”
Taking in sidelong glance at Laetitia, who denied his accusations with a bright red face, Ernest once again dropped his eyes down to his hand.
“Still, as expected, he is wonderful. If there is a foundational principle in swordsmanship it’s that it’s purely dignified. As a swordsman… I would by all means like to cross blades with him.”
“Ernest. I hope you will not be that reckless again…”
“I know. But, there's no problem if it’s just talking, right?”
Ernest shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile.
That was what it meant to be chosen by the .
Be always virtuous, cast aside selfishness and act as the proxy of order and justice in all actions.
––That was the price requested by the Lei-GlemsDemon Sword of the White Filter.
If a shadow was to lurk over this even a little, the Ogre Lux, with the nickname of , would mercilessly forsake its user. And he would also lose the nickname and qualifications of <PendragonHoly Knight>.
Such a thing could not possibly be allowed. It was probably the same not only for Laetitia, but also the other True Knights.
That power was necessary for the present Garrardsworth.
“Well, please rest assured. Though a one-on-one is impossible, if it’s just crossing swords, then it should come true in the near future. ––In the next year’s Gryps.”
Laetitia said with a fearless smile.
“That boy should definitely participate in her team. That way, our teams will probably confront at some point. You would be able to fight to your heart’s content. And –– of course, it would be us, who would emerge victorious!”
Laetitia tightly clenched her fist.
“*sigh*… It looks like you want to win against Miss Enfield no matter what.”
“…I admit that. Whatever happens… She's the only one I can't afford to lose to.”
That’s right. She –– Claudia Enfield –– is the only person against whom I cannot lose. I will win this time.
I swear on my pride of <GloriaraWitch of Light Wings>, rank #2 of St. Garrardsworth Academy. Laetitia demanded of herself.
“Were you not satisfied with the last year Gryps? You had surely won there, haven’t you?”
“We certainly won as a team… But, but!”
Laetitia remembered that scene of two years ago and thoroughly chewed her molars.
Although she achieved victory, as a team in that match, Laetitia’s school badge was cut by Claudia’s sword –– that annoying Pan-Dora.
“That humiliation, I will never forget it…!”
Of course the reason, of not wanting to lose to Claudia, was not only that.
However, Laetitia’s pride could forgive her to leave it like that.
As Ernest closed the space window, he erased his smile and pondered.
“But you know, I’m not interested in him just for that.”
“…Is there anything else?”
“It seems that Dirk Eberwein came in contact with him.”
“The ?”
Laetitia openly frowned.
Garrardsworth did not just have bad relations with Le Wolfe… It is also the case that Le Wolfe’s infamous student council president was, an opponent who could be said to be, the sworn enemy of Laetitia and company.
“I don’t know if he is associated with him, but there is also a report that he has moved the “cats”.”
“That… is not amicable.”
If the Intelligence operatives of Le Wolfe were moving, then it must be something that he could not ignore.
Except that it would not be made public, though, that is.
“It will be good if things go smoothly…” Said Ernest.
Ernest, his eyes tinged with anxiety, turned his gaze outside the window.
『"––T-This is also amazing! Player Sasamiya’s blow is a splendid clean hit to player Rimsi! Of course, it was also the first time in this tournament that player Rimsi received an attack! Will the impregnable pair of Allekant finally collapse after coming so far?"』
The voice of the live reporter rose in excitement to become exalted while the great cheers of the audience, who were even further excited, engulfed the stage.
In a corner of the stands, as usual Flora was cheering on the edge of her seat with an excited look.
“Both Sasamiya-sama and Toudou-sama are amazing!”
As the pure respect, admiration, and the thought of whether she could also one day become like them, were mixed in Flora’s chest, she buzzingly waved her hands.
However, the highly strung spectators stood up one after another, and before one knew, the audience was currently all standing in unison.
Though Flora, who was of short stature, was buried (covered), she stood on the chair and was hopping up and down as she somehow managed to secure her field of vision, however––.
A deep dark voice suddenly resounded directly behind Flora.
When Flora was about to turn around, a sharp shock ran through the back of her neck.
Not a single person among the surrounding spectators, who were entirely distracted by the excitement, noticed the sudden disappearance of the young girl’s figure.
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